Audience with a Princess dressed in bedsheets - MademoiselleinDanmei1485 (2024)

Once the meetingis over and General Ichigo Kurosaki is sent off to deliver the message with a scroll personally signed by Rukia herself, the court throws a prolonged interrogation upon the young princess' head, one of the advisors going as far as accusing her of treason against the Kuchiki household by such an independent and rushed decision, without asking for King Byakuya's permission first.

Rukia expects this, however she still fiercely defends her position with every possible plausible argument but in the end she realizes that it's best not to dwell deep into it, knowing very well that talking to half of the court, especially the Kuchiki nobles isa waste of time and nerves; It would be much more efficient talking to a blank wall than to spare even an additional word on them. Thankfully, she receivessupport (albeit a bit neutral or hesitant) from the other half of the court, especially those whose opinion she greatly values, including those of Ashido and Izuru Kira. This gives her some affirmation that not all hope is lost and she didn't make an entire mess out of the situation, without at least one way fixing it. However the doubt and stress gnaws at her heart an entire day - thewhole week, in fact, until the scheduled duel comes.

Another matter that the court also discusses is the assemblance of the party. According to the rule, the delegation should consist of the principals, with one second accompanying each of them and a maximum of five additional witnesses/warriors. Seven in total from each side. Ashido- Kano is appointed as the second from Rukia's side. As for the Aarurieri party, the list of the delegation, along with the confirmation for attendance would come with a messenger hawk in three days.

Aside from the actual delegations, the court also discusses the identity of the judge who will supervise the event. They decide to call the neutral party who will be neither the representative of the Soul Society nor Hueco Mundo. The court suggestsHachigen Ushoda, a visored. Visoreds are the rare group of individuals, (previously belonging to Soul Society only to be later banished by them due to the scandalcommitted by Lord Aizen). Due to their unique abilities acquired by the said scandal, they now present an individual force of their own, belonging to neither Soul Society nor Hueco Mundo (or, to be exact, none of them claim the visoreds on their side). This soon resultedin their small "kingdom" to become a neutral land, almost never being involved in any of the conflicts. It would be only logical to choose a judge of the duel from their third, objective party. The crowd trusts this matter to a Kido-specialist Hachigen Ushoda, who is specifically known for his pacifism and professionalism in the matters. A letter of invitation is also sent to him.

Once Rukia steps down the stairs from her throne, with the help of Ashido and Renji, Isane helping her hold the covers, she notices Ginjirō Shirogane waiting for her, clearly wanting to tell her something. Rukia's stomach churns, definitely getting a bad premonition about him but nevertheless, she stops and looks up to him.

The man slightly bows to her and Rukia doesn't miss the mocking manner in it. She tightens the covers around her body.

- I hope your majesty's decision proves to be fruitful not only for our household but an entire Soul Society, - his grimace barely resembles a smile, - And just a collegial, kind advice: next time when you find yourself in a rush, especially while attending an important, political meeting, make sure to dress appropriately. You should know that by now... if, of course, you were not taught that before, - and he exits the room before her.

Burning shame and hot anger fills Rukia as he watches him go, clenching her hands in a fist, pressing her mouth in a thin line.

- Where are you headed next, princess Rukia? - Isane's timidvoice saves her mind from being filled with profanities.

Rukia takes a deep breath and mentally counts to ten to calm her thoughts and then lets out a sigh, - Prepare a hot bath, please. I'll need to destress and wash all this negativity off of me.

- Yes, of course, - the maid nods.

- You can go now, Renji will escort me. I need to talk to Ashido for a moment, - Rukia nods at Isane who bows to her and leaves to prepare a bath.

- Ashido-san, - Rukia looks back to search for the Sangria-haired general with a fur coat on top of a white kimono.

- I'm here, princess, - she hears the strict, yet pleasant baritone from her back and turns to find its owner. The voice somehow always brings her a sense of reassurance and safety - sometimes Rukia even considers him as another bodyguard of hers, even an older brother.

- Ashido-san, as we agreed, I trust you to break the news to Lord Byakuya.. in a decent way, of course.

- Rest assured, princess Rukia, I most certainly will.

The Kuchiki princess smiles briefly and plans to call Renji but then she looks at the courtroom, which is slowly emptying. Her eyes stare at the chair General Kurosaki was sitting on, envisioning his figure. She wonders how he will deliver the news to his own boss.

- Say, Ashido-san.... do you think I rushed? Do you think I really made a bad decision? I won't be upset, I promise... I just need to know... You are the first one I trust in this court on such matters...

Ashido takes his time to think before answering. For a moment Rukia expects a negative answer and braces herself for it:

- I admit, princess, it was definitely unexpected and truly unusual, some might even say an unorthodox approach to this matter. This definitely won't be an easy battle, especially since it's a life-and-death battle on which undisputedly hangs the Kuchiki household's, as well as the entire nation's name and honor, as well as the future of the political weather. I will lie if I say that this is truly the riskiest decision in such a matter, however...

Rukia's ears perch at the conjunctive adverb, taking a deep breath

- I also have to admit that regarding someone like Lord Aarurieri entering directly in an alliance or mindlessly denouncing, even as to engage in an armed conflict without thinking would be foolish as well, especially since drastic measures and impulsive decisions are far from the Kuchiki castle's usual nature. I say that this was the smartest and also the most honorable, as well as a logical decision in this currentsituation,especially from someone like you - who is not often involved in political discussions or war matters.

Rukia feels as if a huge rock was removed off her shoulders, she even feels wetnesswelling up in her eyes.

- Many, especially current court members wouldn't have had enough guts to think, moreover receive such a decision. Therefore I must commend you for your bravery - moreover to protect your rights and position till the end, princess Rukia. All I can say is that I will pray that you win this duel and things will be decided in our favor. I'm pretty sure Lord Byakuya will understand. At the end of the day, it's his opinion and decision that matters, the rest come after.

Rukia realizes he refers to the Kuchiki nobles. She smiles in relief and nods, suddenly overcome with the urge to hug him but she knows that either the covers will slip from her body - that or if she does keep them, she will have to hug him with her body pressed against his, and she has nothing but her nightgown which is almost transparent and made from a soft material - now that will cause another awkwardness on its own. So she opts to give him one of the most genuine smiles of hers and bow to him.

- Thank you so much, Ashido-san. That means a lot.

Ashido also offers her one of his rare smiles - which is more like raising the corners of his mouth (just like Byakuya does).

(At one point back in her youth, Rukia was obsessed with Ashido, even developed a crush on him but she hadn't told anyone about it, except for Hisana - that also happened because Hisana noticed the prolonged gazes and angry, blushing denials from the little princess. It was all in the past though - now Rukia regarded him as a good friend and brotherly figure, in a true platonic love).

- How soon do you think you can reach him?

- Tomorrow evening at dusk - my stallion is well-rested and will fly as fast as possible.

- That's wonderful but...

- But?

- ...Nevermind, - Rukia shakes her head.

Ashido frowns, wondering what else could trouble the young monarch's mind. After a small pensive silence, an idea crosses his mind:

- Your highness... If this concerns Lord Byakuya's reaction towardsyour decision, then I rest assured - he will definitely understand your decision, even if he might not agree with it.... and he would never leave you alone in danger... at least not for Lady Hisana's sake.

- That's exactly what troubles me - for Hisana's sake... He has tolerated so much for her sake and... - Ashido feels a certain shake in Rukia's controlled and usual confident voice.

Ashido sighs to himself and walks over to her, reaching his hand over to her shoulder and pulling the cover close to her body, saving it from slipping away yet again. This startles Rukia and she looks up at him fretfully, her mouth slightly ajar.

- If you fear that Lord Byakuya still tolerates you because of Lady Hisana, then you are gravely mistaken, princess,

Rukia raises her head quickly in shock - she didn't expect him to understand her innermost worries, she hangs her head low and bites her lip to stop the emotions weling into her eyes.

Ashido delicately tucks Rukia tighter into the covers, - You already know that he is the embodiment of what a Kuchiki noble, moreover a leader should be, a perfect example of a cold, rational aristocrat and a warrior. But despite this, he still is a human who has emotions, and the proof is that is your lovely older sister, for whom he feels the greatest love and devotion a man could feel and portray, the only woman he has ever paid attention or dedicated himself to. Initially he truly might have taken you along with Lady Hisana because of her sake but believe me, he has grown fond of you as well. He might not say anything directly, but you know he shows his attention by actions and he has proved this more than once towards you as well, that he regards you as his sister, if not his child, - Ashido emits a soft hum, almost like a chuckle, - Letting you decide your own fate by not meddling in your business or deciding it for you ,in my humble opinion, is the greatest proof of that. Though not related by blood, You are just as a legitimate sister and a relative to him as any of his actual close or distant family members. He cares about you, I'm sure, I dare to say he is as protective of you as a true older brother would be.

Ashido holds Rukia's shoulder from atop of the cover and delicately caresses it with his hand, giving her reassurance.

Rukia's breath hitches and she nods in understanding. She would never voice her fear, moreoverher desire of dependence or support from Byakuya... She feels warmth seep into her heart at the reassurance and another confirmation that Ashido is not only a brilliant warrior, an astute political advisor but also someone who understands and is aware of human insecurities and emotions. All of these summing in one big reason as to why she admired and respected this man.

- Thank you, Ashido... that meant a lot, - she whispers to him with a smile. Ashido"s mouth slightly curls up in the end in answer and bows to her with a "my pleasure, princess".

An awkward chuckle interrupts their talk. Both of them look aside to see Izuru Kira standing shyly next to them, holding a scroll in his hand.

- The letter is ready, princess.

- Oh, right... thank you, Izuru, - Rukia moves to the nearby table to sign the scroll. Once she's done, she hands it to Ashido who takes it with a bow and ties it inside his kimono.

- Ashido-san, I'll pray you reach King Byakuya safely and in time and manage to return safely as well. I guess our next meeting will be straight on the duel field.

- You are right, princess. - his previous softened tone is quickly replaced by a resolute and strict voice, - I will head there as soon as I notify Lord Byakuya on the matter.

- So be it. You are dismissed, lieutenant. Be careful...- Rukia steps away from him and straightens her back, gettn=ing back to her usual formal tone.

- Thank you, princess. Same goes to you, and please don't catch any cold, change your clothes quickly - Ashido bows to her deeper and turns to leave but before he does, Rukia calls out to him for the last time:

- Oh and Ashido-san?

- Yes, yourhighness?

-I believe that the content of that conversation should stay between us, right?-Rukia directly speaks in the Hueco Mundo dialect.

Ashido stills for a while but immediately offers her a curt nod,-Absolutely, your majesty.

- Now go!

Rukia's eyes follow the warrior's figure until he disappears from sight.

- Renji?

- Yes, princess? - the tattooed redhead immediately materializes next to her.

- Escort me, please.

- Yes, princess.

Rukia burns the letter sent from Aarurieri at the nearest torch.


The duel is scheduled after a week from the meeting, at the border of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, in the Dangai village, which is a tiny, barren, arid land, perfect location for a duel. Rukia considers one week enough for the information to reach the stubborn suitor and for the preparation from both sides (and desirably honing her skills further). She worries if Byakuya will make it back in time - four days till the castle - the Dangai village of Hueco Mundo is so far, that it needs the same time at best from the Kuchiki castle to reach.

This, however, also means a week of stress and fear which she doesn't want to confess, and questioning her decision, as well as her fate - what if she fails? What if she loses? What if she dies by Aaaroniero's hand...

She tries to stop the thoughts as she plunges deeply into the bathtub, only keeping her eyes and vertex on top of the water. Blowing the bubbles in it, Rukia tries to take her mind off the topic... but still, she can't rest

- Isane?

- Yes, your majesty? - Isane stops mixing the herbs for the lotion.

- Tell me frankly... do you think I f*cked up?

The directness of her speech doesn't surprise Isane (it no longer does). Isane sighs and thinks of an answer:

- I think you tried your best, your majesty, no matter the outcome.

- So I f*cked up... - Rukia lets out a deep dejected sigh.

- Not necessarily, your highness.... forgive me for not giving you a direct reply, I just worry for your safety and well-being, so please don't be upset if I don't directly approve or disapprove of your decision which poses a huge risk to your life.

Rukia stares at her surprised then she nods and closes her eyes.

- It's ok... I understand... Thank you.

- You don't need to thank me, your highness... - Isane stands up to check the temperature of the water.

- Not yet... - Rukia waves her hand, motioning her to let the water be, - I just... I couldn't give him directly what he asked for... that's what I've always been taught: to think and never directly accept the offer....

- And you did a splendid job with that, especially considering what kind of offer you were facing... - Isane commends her.

- I just worry that... it won't work, you know?

- It's only logical - it's a fifty-fifty matter after all, - the silver-haired maid hums.

- Yes, I know but what if it ends badly? Like... really really badly... What if this poses a threat to all of you? - Rukia cranes her neck back to look at her.

- I'm pretty sure things won't go to that level, you are a trained warrior yourself, you can fight and defend yourself...

- But not as much as others, professional male warriors who have been fighting and training their whole lives...

- Nevertheless, you have been training quite diligently and vigorously for these past years. There's no way you won't at least cut him, right?

- Oh, I wanna tear that f*cking mask off of his face and see what's inside. - Rukia seethes, - What do you think is hiding inside it, anyway?

- A man who likes to play dirty from the shadows? - Isane replies calmly.

- That's true. He can't even be called a man to be honest. A man is someone like Lord Byakuya... and Ashido, Renji, Kira, my brothers warriors, even.. - Rukia makes a pause. Isane looks at her: there's a strange look on Rukia's face, she seems to be lost in thought.

- Even?

- ....Nevermind... - Rukia suddenly shakes her head and frowns. Then immediately submerges into the water for several seconds.

Confusion is soon replaced by a knowing smile. Isane chuckles and shakes her head, waiting for Rukia to reemerge from her short dive.

- What about General Kurosaki? I think he can also be called a man, - Isane tries her shot, looking at the young princess from her peripheralvision in hopes of trying to catch her reaction. It works - she notices Rukia startling, almost jolting forward in the bathtub.

- What about him? - the silver-haired maid notices how the young princess tries to feign disinterest. The maid sees the princess failing to do so, which causes her best to contain a chuckle.

- Don't you think he can be called a man as well? - Isane continues as if it's nothing serious, just a casual talk.

- I haven't known him long enough to call him so yet. - Rukia mumbles, but Isane doesn't miss a small color rising to the princess' cheeks - or maybe it's the result of her being in hot water.

Isane tries to follow the experiment and push her further for an answer - How could she miss this chance when the entire courtroom had witnessedtheir undeniable sexual tension and shameless indirect flirting?

- Well, I think he managed to prove himself worthy... at least he listened to you didn't he?

- I guess so... - the young princess simply shrugs.

- And he was very respectful...

- He had no other choice. For his very own sake he should have been, - Rukia massages her neck.

- But he could not have been though, just saying, - Isane chooses a careful tone, - After all, he's from an enemy's side, under Lord Aarurieri's subordination as well, he could as well be instructed to act arrogantly towards you.

- The fact that he is under his bastard master's subordination doesn't mean that he resembles his bastard master , -Rukia purses her lips.

Isane raises her eyebrow with a smile, - I didn't say he is, he "could" be, hypothetically speaking.

- I guess... - Rukia voices her musing but then quickly shakes her head to get rid of the thoughts, - But that has nothing to do with me after all, I don't have to worry or think if he is a true man or not. And point aside, why does it matter, why did you even bring him up?

- Just a hunch. He seemed quite a decent fellow to me, - Isane turns around and feigns disinterest.

- If you liked him that much, you can have him, if I win. I will personally gift him to you. - this time a certain bitterness fuses into Rukia's tone.

Isane can't contain the laugh this time. This startles Rukia, turning to look at her confused.

- What's the matter?

- Oh nothing, your highness. Forgive me, I'm just curious why you decided that I liked him that way?

- I don't know? Maybe because you brought him up and talked about him in that context?

- What context?

- Him being a good fellow and sh*t...

- I just expressed my opinion, that's all... -Isane puts her hands up in a defence, - I just thought that when you said a moment ago that him being under his evil master's subordination did not necessarily mean that he could be evil himself from the inside, gave me an idea...

- An idea of what? - Rukia bites back an answer.

- That he didn't leave a bad impression on you? - Isane offers her an awkward smile.

- What... - Rukia frowns and opens her mouth, - Why does that even matter. He is no one, at the end of the day he is just a random warrior who belongs to the enemy side and we all should pray that he and his henchmen don't stay like that, especially him - have you heard the rumours about him? Being the secret, deadly weapon of Hueco Mundo. A living hollow on the battlefield, - Rukia shakes her head at the thought, - I'd rather have him on our side than be a slow-ticking bomb on the other side.

- Well yeah, of course - Isane agrees, yet another chuckle escapes her.

- Why are you laughing? What's so funny this time? - Rukia groans and perches her hands atop of the bathtub.

- I'm sorry, please forgive me, it's nothing, -Isane quickly bows and turns around, occupying herself with the flower vase.

Rukia raises her eyebrow.

- Isane? - Rukia stretches the last syllable.

- It's nothing, I promise, - Isane calls out in a sing-song manner.

Rukia sighs and shakes her head.

- Give me my loofah.

- Yes, princess.

As Rukia starts washing and scrubbing her back, with Isane helping her,the princess picks up the conversation from where it had paused:

- Instead of worrying about that orange-haired freak ... What's with that hair anyway, is that even natural?

- I have no idea, princess. Maybe those are rare genes and he is not originally from Hueco Mundo? Since the biological genkme of that place is dominated by the dark-haired population.

- Hm, true but anyways, ugh, don't mention him again, I'll lose my thread of thoughts!

- Ok, sorry again.

- What I want to say is this is a matter of life-and-death. God forbid they pull out some strange or unexpected sh*t before the duel or during it and take my own victory straight from the beginning.

- That would be awful, princess.

- I know... preposterous... but expected from someone like that metal-head freak.

- It's just... -her tone suddenly drops... - if I lose, I will never forgive myself... I don't know what came over me, quite frankly.

- I did think., I scrutinized every detail. Maybe I should have listened to the court.

- No, princess, you were not brought up like that.

- You ... ok... even though I worry about your decision, Im proud that you offered him a counter-attack like that - that was truly a brilliant strategic move, even for me, as a mere servant without

- You know you are anything but a mere servant - afte rall you were trained by Lady Unohana herself.

- Well, yes, but... I mean political-wise - they should really be afraid of you instead, you know.

- You are just being a flatterer right now... and in a bad way....

- Not in the least - you know I would die than lie to you, your highness.

- Ok, sorry... that was rude of me, - Rukia apologizes.

Isane shakes her head and smiles with a sigh, - It's ok, but please, believe me when i say that it was the best outcome of this situation - half of the court is on your side, that's a brilliant result for now!

- Would have been better with a 100% result... but that won't happen. Not until me and my sister are around here.

Isane hesitates for a moment, thinking of sentences for a rebuttal, however Rukia cuts her first:

- I just don't want to disappoint brother Byakuya, Isane, do you understand? Before the duel I have to worry about what his reactions hall be, what if he gets angry at me, kicks me out,

- Princess Rukia, come on! Do you even hear yourself? That won't happen in a million years!

- But I fear everything - what if he doesn't let me go, goes to the duel himself... what if the war starts earlier... what if he won't come.

- Princess Rukia... please... don't overthink like that.

- And then Hisana will get upset. She is the last person on earth I want to see upset and worried, she deserves all that this world has to offer. I will never forgive myself if my action puts her into further stress and danger from. It will be unjust, to say the least. If there's anyone I don't want to disappoint in the first place, it's her... - Rukia feels anxiety welling up in her chest, the tears threatening to rush from her eyes, however

- Who said anything about disappointing? - the third delicate and timid voice of a woman joins the conversation. Both Rukia and Isane turn towards its source to find a woman dressed in a pink haori kimono, standing at the entrance, smiling warmly. With her shoulder-length hair let loose, two "rebellious" strands in front of her hair and a face that resembles the young princess like two similar peas in a pod.

- Nee-chan, - Rukia gasps at the sight of his sister and sits up in the bathtub.

- My Queen, - Isane stops her work and kneels to greet the newcomer.

- Isane, please, I told you not to do that in private, - Hisana coos at Isane as she walks up to them.

- Hisana, why are you here? You need to be in your room, resting. Why are you up? - Rukia raises herself from the tub to stand up.

- I was awake when Izuru checked up on me. I heard you attended an important political meeting and I rushed to see you as soon as you dismissed the court. I was told you'd be here.. no, stay inside, - Hisana urges Rukia to descend back into the tub. The younger sister ignores Hisana's plea and holds onto the side of the tub to step out of it until she feels Hisana's hands on her shoulders.

- Stay, Rukia.... - Hisana repeats delicately.

- Isane, bring a blanket for her...

- No, don't bother please, - but it's too late because Isane is quickly wrapping a warm wool blanket on the queen's back, fixating it

- Ah, you two never listen to me

- Because you don't listen to us, nee-chan - Rukia positions herself comfortably into the tub, leaning on the side.

- What did I tell you - who should the young listen to in the first place?

- To the eldest... to you... - Rukia pouts in defeat.

- Good girl... Now, - Hisana caresses Rukia's wet hair, - tell me, how did the meeting go? Nobody told me anything in detail, just a short "everything went well".

- Be careful, don't get wet, - the young princess murmurs in an answer.

- Don't treat me like a frail being, Rukia-chan. You know that wounds my heart, - Hisana coos at her and applies slight pressure on the scalp, moving it in circular motions. This causes Rukia to let out a soft sigh, slipping further into the bathtub.

- I just want you to be comfortable, that's all - the younger sibling sighs.

- I know but right now you need to relax. I could feel your tension from the door, - Hisana moves to other parts of Rukia's head, murmuring softly. Her voice, always so warm, delicate and tender, brings an utmost sense of comfort, protection and solace to Rukia. Despite being an adult now, with Hisana she always turns into a small baby, indulging in every attention her sister provides.

- I give you one chance to guess who demanded an urgent audience with me, - Rukia starts.

Hisana shares a quick glance with Isane, who nods in a gruesome manner. Hisana's mouth presses into a thin line.

- Hmmm... I wonder... - Hisana feigns a pensive tone, - Could it be Ukitake-san? His long-promised visit is way overdue already...

- I wish it was him, nee-chan, - Rukia exhales, - it's that bastard Aaroniero Aarurieri.

- Language, little one - Hisana tries to control her reaction, - Again?

- Yes... but this time he was not the one who graced us with his visit, but his general. - Rukia shifts slightly, tilting her head to give Hisana better access to her desired spot.

- Really? Who was it?

- Some moron called Ichigo Kurosaki, his general. - Rukia huffs.

- Is that so? What did he say?

- He said that his master is deaf and stupid and can't take no for an answer.

Hisana's eyebrows raise up in confusion, - So directly?

- No... - Rukia replies and slightly moves her head forward so Hisana can reach the slight twists in her neck, - They posed an ultimatum to us - either I marry that monster or they declare a war on us.

Hisana's movements stop. Rukia turns her head so she can see her sister's reaction. Hisana is silent, her face showing a mix of surprise, worry and confusion.

- After two rejections?

- I know, right? This.. this is horrifying, to say the least. And you should have seen the way he talked to us during those two meetings - no, no, it's good that you didn't see him. He can bring nightmares just by looking at him, - Rukia shakes her head

- And Lord Byakuya wasn't even present, oh God. You should have woken me, I would have talked to him, Rukia

- No Hisana, it was in the whole court's favor that he didn't meet you. Not that I would have allowed anyone myself as well but you perfectly know, brother Byakuya would have killed the whole court if they dared as little as to disturb you.

Hisana lets out a defeated sigh, - Sometimes I worry that Lord Byakuya will antagonize the whole court and household just for me and to say that I worry about that, would be the biggest understatement.

- No Hisana, you should not. You deserve all the best, brother Byakuya is doing the right thing - half of the court are nothing more than a bunch of evil, stuck-up snobs who have not even experienced any proper human emotion in their lives, nor do they experience it.

- Rukia, please don't say that...

- But it's the truth, here, Isane will serve as a witness, right Isane?

It takes certain seconds for Isane to recover her puzzled stare and nod enthusiastically, - Y-yes, your majesty...

- Oh please, Isane, not you too, - Hisana sighs and shakes her head, standing up to move to the other side of the tub.

- Anyone who has known and seen you at least once, will say that you are worthy of the title, this throne, the respect, the admiration - Hisana, you deserve all the love in this world and not the contempt from this court. I'm just so glad that a man like brother Byakuya is there to appreciate and love you the way you were always meant to be.

- Rukia, please...

- No, I'm sorry, but I won't hear any arguments for you on this matter. - Rukia wipes two insolent angry tears that skipped her eyes and slips into the bathtub.

Hisana sighs and exchanges another glance with Isane who offers her a sympathetic smile. The Queen takes a bamboo comb and starts combing through Rukia's long raven hair.

- Tell me, how did the meeting go, little one?

- It was fine... that stupid general brought me the message of ultimatum from his evil master.

- Ok and how did you respond?

Rukia doesn't answer for awhile, - I refused it, partially. Instead I challenged him to a duel.

Hisana stops her movements and cranes her head to look at Rukia. When the younger monarch doesn't meet her gaze, nor answer, Hisana delicately puts her finger under Rukia's chin and moves it towards her so they can face each other. This works, however Rukia's eyes are still downcast.

- You did what? - Hisana repeats carefully, yet there is an undeniable concern in her voice.

- I challenged him to a duel, - Rukia repeats in a quieter voice.

- The deadly duel?

- Yes...

- But why, Rukia? - there's a tone of reprimand in her voice.

- Because he needs to be punished for his arrogance and insolence... he disrespected not only me but brother Byakuya as well, - Rukia deliberately leaves out Hisana's name.

Hisana is lost for words. She opens her motuh twice for a retort however nothing comes out of her.

- It was the most logical decision, nee-chan. Don't worry, I racked my brains over it, the court agreed.

- Really?

- Half of them.. but yes.. It was an urgent matter, the general had to return with an answer till the end of the day, - Rukia keeps her gaze away.

Hisana stares at her sister for an agonizingly long moment.

- When and where will it be?

- In a week, at the bordering village of Dangai. It separates Hueco Mundo from Soul Society.

- Who will be present?

- We agreed on a small army to avoid casualties and keep it strictly under control. One second for each principal, maximum five additional representatives in each party, seven in total. It will be a traditional sword-fight. Ashido-san will be my second, the court chose Hachi as the judge.

- Good choice, -Hisana approves with a nod, - What did you offer him?

- If I lose, I will marry him, if he loses, he will surrender his whole castle with the personnel to me and be under my subordination till his last days.

- How vicious will it be?

- Until either of the party is seriously wounded or dead.

Hisana can't contain a horrified gasp which escapes her mouth. She looks at Isane, in hopes of hearing something neutralizing but Isane's eyes are also downcast in a dejected-manner.

- You can scold me, I know, I acted stupidly... - Rukia murmurs, - But Hisana... I had no other choice - I would never willingly commit myself in a relationship with him, nor would I mindlessly engage in an armed conflict. This concerns me, before the kingdom, I have to settle it myself. I thought I would buy some time with this until brother Byakuya would return and would avoid an immediate - moreover when that f*cker...

- Rukia! - Hisana's delicately serious voice interrupts her.

- Sorry, but that's what he deserves, - Rukia spits and continues in an agitated voice, - Moreover when Lord Aarurieri demanded the answer immediately. Ashido-san agreed with me, I got an approval from half of the court, Hisana, I couldn't achieve more, I'm sorry, I thought I did the right thing but now I think I f*cked up, I put the whole household in nation, especially you, Hisana. Oh God, what will happen now, I will definitely lose, the war will start because of me. I'm so sorry - and Rukia bursts in tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

- Rukia... - Hisana tries to hug Rukia but the bathtub acts as a hindrance for her action, so she immediately calls Isane to bring her the towel.

- Get out of the shower, Rukia, please, - she tells Rukia, who refuses.

- Come to me, Rukia... you will catch a cold, the water has cooled off already, - Hisana tries another time. After a hesitant silence, Rukia tries to stand up, almost falling in the way, Isane and Hisana helping her to safely get out of the shower, Hisana immediately wrapping her in the towel, Isane putting the second warmer layer on top. Hisana takes Rukia to the closest chaise and sits down, pulling Rukia in her hug.

- I'm so afraid, Hisana... What if I lose? What if I die?

- You won't die, Rukia. Please don't think that.

- But he's strong, the 9th in rank in his kingdom...

- That doesn't' guarantee anything, we have known countless stories where those with physical and skill disadvantages have taken victory form their stronger opponents, calm down, - Hisana rocks Rukia in her arms, helping her to lay fully on the chaise, - Plus, thankfully, you are already skilled in sword-fighting with your Sode-no-Shiryaki.

- It's not enough.

- I think it is, - Hisana kisses Rukia's forehead, - You have become far more skilled than you are aware of, my little bunny. You underestimate yourself, I wouldn't lie to you now, would I? I have seen everything with my own eyes.

Hearing her favorite term of endearment, Rukia takes a deep breath and starts calming down, stilling in Hisana's embrace, her sobs die down to quiet whimpers. Hisana continues rocking her in her arms.

- If you worry about fear, then I have told you countless times, fear is a primal part of our being. We can't fully get rid of it - neither should we succumb to it. It's the Kuchiki household's moral imperative to always be brave, courageous and fearless, never letting fear touch their hearts. That is admirable indeed however we must not forget that we are human, emotions such as fear make us human and vulnerable and that's ok - we can't be perfect - but our imperfections determine our value and perfect versions of ourselves.

- But you are perfect, Lord Byakuya is perfect.

- We are not, Rukia. We have our own insecurities as well... Even Lord Byakuya.

- Really? - Rukia perches up to look at her sister.

- You wouldn't know... - Hisana winks at her, - it's not really an insecurity, at least for me, more like a matter of personal preference. At least I don't consider it a minus, let's say. But nevertheless shh... it should be a secret, pretend I didn't say it - she whispers to her.

- I bet it's regarding you, otherwise I wouldn't believe it ,- Rukia grumbles but a smile slips into her mouth, - Ok, I'll keep it. You should too, Isane - she calls out to the maid who has been watching the sweet interaction from afar. Isane quickly bows and gives a promise.

Hisana chuckles and tightens her hug on Rukia, - So, promise me, that you won't antagonize yourself and overthink about this matter. You already did what had to be done. Nothing happens without a reason and believe me, Lord Byakuya will understand and support your decision.

- For your sake, - Rukia grumbles.

- Not in the least, Rukia. And you know it.

Rukia turns her head away, not returning a reply.

- Not agreeing immediately to the decision, raising your own ultimatum and conditions and giving them a hard time, especially a moral challenge? That's more Kuchiki-like than you can imagine.

- Really?

- Isane, tell her, - Hisana sighs, waiting for approval.

- She is right, princess Rukia, - Isane quickly nods.

- You are being a flatterer, Isane

- She is not! - Hisana sides with Isane, standing up for her.

- Ugh.. I will believe it when I hear it from his mouth, - Rukia turns her head away, - Which he won't say in a hundred years.

- I promise you that he will, my little bunny, - Hisana kisses Rukia's cheek.

- For your sake though. Sometimes I think his entire world revolves on you and you only.

Hisana lets out a chuckle and shakes his head, - Do you still think that he is "stealing" my attention from you?

-'s a good thing that he pampers you, - Rukia shakes her head.

Hisana smirks, - I promise I will say absolutely the same thing once your cavalier shows up and showers you with love and attention.

- No... that won't happen...

- Why not?

- I don't know... I don't think I will find someone worthy enough of love... or someone who puts up with my attitude.

- Oh but you have the best attitude, fit for a Queen - you are strong, confident, dignified, principal... much better than I am...

- Don't say that.

- Only if you promise not to downgrade yourself like that.

- Fine...

- Anyways, tell me what the general was like... I heard you guys had an interesting talk? - HIsana caresses Rukia's head.

Rukia stills in Hisana's embrace and peeks at Isane from the side, who catches her gaze and quickly moves her head away, feigning a special interest in cleaning an already polished marble jar.

- Somewhat....

- What was he like?

- Meh... - Rukia shrugs, still not facing her sister, - average for a general, with freaky, stupidorange hair though.

- Oh really?

- Yeah, I have never seen anything like that. Didn't believe such a color existed for hair. It's like bathed in tangerines and carrots.

- Maybe he dyed it.

- Doubt it, I looked closely and it's definitely not a wig.

- Oh? You were that close to him? - there's a tease in Hisana's voice.

- N-no! He just happened to be too close when he greeted me, I mean he was kneeling then I ordered him to stand up and it happened that he was close to my proximity and it just hit my eyes! I wasn't ogling him

- I didn't say you were, - Hisana coos at her. - Was he at least respectful?

- Kinda...

- That's nice to hear. How old do you think he is?

- About my age? Maybe a few years older, I don't know..

- Aha... - Hisana chuckles and then prepares the "bombshell" - Is he, by any chance, attractive?

- No! not in the least! - Rukia quickly wiggles out of Hisana's hug to show her protest, - He has the weird uniform, the strangest orange hair, always frowning or serious, not showing even the slightest difference in his expression. He is the strangest man I have seen, definitely not a handsome person.

- So heis as bad as Aaroniero?

- What? No, nobody can be as bad as him. Well, ok, he is not ugly, you can look at him the second time, but that's it!

- Okay, okay, I trust you, - Hisana softens his gold onto Rukia so she can move the strands of her wet hair away from the face, - It's just, well, I wanted to hear your thoughts. From what I know about that young man is that he is one of the strongest warriors of his kingdom, a true force to be reckoned with and a strong pillar for his master. Despite being an enemy, I have heard some positive info about him, that's all. Some even say he is quite good and decent material for a bachelor... -Hisana trails off.

- Well, I don't care. Those who want him can have him, a general isn't suitable to a royal after all, - Rukia clutches the towels closer to her body.

- I never said anything about him marrying a princess. If, of course, he isn't rumored already to be in a relationship with one, - Hisana says and motions Rukia to come to her so she can start drying her, just as she used to when she was little. Hisana would bathe, dry and dress her afterwards herself, this being one of their most intimate rituals Hisana didn't want to give up, despite needing a help herself in it. A long time had passed since she had done so, Isane assisting a teenage princess in this process, especially in the last years due to Hisana's failed pregnancies.

Rukia lets Hisana do it, she revels in it, feeling like a spoiled younger sister once again. She uses this time to defend herself from the talk about Kurosaki.

- How should I know, I don't give two flying fricks about him, - the princess frowns pouting.

- Rukia, language, - Hisana scolds her again.

- Why are you all pestering me about him anyway? What's the big deal? We just had a talk, that's it, it's not like we flirted or he proposed!

- Oh, nothing, my little bunny, - Hisana chuckles at Rukia's last sentence, - It's just... a little birdie secretly chirped to me that General Kurosaki couldn't take his eyes off of you, so I wanted to hear your side of the story.

- Well, - Rukia blushes, - How should I know, I wasn't looking at him all the time. It's not my fault he rushed me out of bed and was late to the meeting and you know I can't stand it when I'm late anywhere.

- You know what they say about that: "The Queen is never late, everyone else is just early"

- Whatever. He didn't even give me the time to dress properly.

Hisana stops and looks at her expectantly - What did you wear?

Rukia doesn't rush to answer.

- Nothing... - she murmurs

- Huh?

- I mean... I just draped the bed covers on top of my nightgown, ok? - Rukia avoids Hisana's gaze.

Hisana looks at Isane in hopes of finding that the truth was the opposite, however the maid's silence and an awkward smile proves Rukia's words to be true.

- You know if Lord Byakuya hears about it, you will be in trouble, little princess, - Hisana raises her eyebrow.

- It's not like he can change anything now... - Rukia pouts.

- But someone will definitely tell him..

- I can bribe the court? - the young pricess offers her signature cheeky smile.

- Rukia Kuchiki! That's enough hooliganism for today! - the Queen delicately slaps Rukia on her behind, putting on the best frown she can muster. It still comes out as an adorable gesture though.

- Sorry - the younf princess murmurs.

Hisana sighs and shakes her head.

- Ok, I'm sorry for teasing you so much about him, now, let's get you dried...

- It's not that he is bad... I don't know what to say.

Rukia delays her answer but in the end still resumes the talk about Kurosaki:

- He seemed like an interesting person... we talked in his native language, he seems to not agree with his master decision. That confused me, i have never seen anyone like him, who opposes his master's decisions yet acts upon them

- Sometimes we can't control the things beyond our scope of abilities, Rukia, - Hisana starts removing the towels off Rukia's body so she can moisturize with the lotion made out of flowers. Isane brings the jar to Rukia.

- He told me he has twin sisters... yet he can't protect them fully...

- Is it because of Lord Aaroniero? - Hisana motions Rukia to raise her hands up so she can be fully dried.

- I do, I didn't dwell too much on it...

- Yet he intrigued me, he doesn't seem like a cruel man, even though his reputation is anything but, - Rukia replies while covering her body with the lotion.

- But in the end it doesn't matter - he is on the enemy's side and he shouldn't matter. I only think about repaying brother Byakuya's favor and if the heavens allow, I will win, take over their whole kingdom and get ahold of Kurosaki as an important war-power for my brother, that's all.

Hisana smiles at her and hugs her.

- You will not only win and be a wonderful leader, you will also gain international respect from the elders, my little bunny. I promise...

- Really? You think so?

- Yes, because I believe you can, we know you can.

Rukia beams at her sister, swelling with pride and joy.

- And also, you will find your prince, trust me, someone who will cherish you like Lord Byakuya loves me, and you will be the most spoiled wife and mother in the world and you will have beautiful, strong healthy children, - Hisana leans to plant a soft kiss on Rukia's tummy and softly caresses it. Rukia feels her heart flutter and a soft blush covers her cheeks,

- I don't care about that too much to be honest... - the young princess pots.

Hisana doesn't argue, just shares a knowing smile with Isane, - Only when the right time comes. She motions the maid to bring the hadajuban and koshimaki to wear inside the kimono.

- Hisana... can I... sleep in your room tonight? - Rukia carefully asks.

The queen stops dressing her young sister and looks at her in disbelief.

- It's just... I missed you... and I don't wanna be alone with my thoughts tonight... - Rukia looks away.

- Oh Rukia, you know I would never refuse you on such a request, - Hisana embraces her little sister with joy, - It's been so long. I thought you never would never ask again...

- And I missed your fairytales...

- Of course, little bunny. Anything for you. It will be just like old times.

Isane watches the wholesome, heartwarming interaction between the two sisters with a sympathetic smile.

- Isane, help me dress her, please, - Hisana calls out to her.

- Yes, my Queen.

Later that night, when two sisters go to sleep in Hisana's bed, the older sister spooning the younger from behind, the young princess promises her older sister:

"I swear I won't let anyone hurt you, Hisana. I swear I will protect you."

Audience with a Princess dressed in bedsheets - MademoiselleinDanmei1485 (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.