Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

CTOMonvr jmroMonrc nut nun IBn gar wrroMOTms AtrroMoirrr Ail 4m Mb UTTOMOTTVT kmi fat Itk hf II I in Im aaar NAV44 Ax 4a Ian at IX Rao. lxxr Ft-RH. IMI MM. at htiif. HI OVA Itm KlM.

mcrntl lit CHlSkolll. 148 Am. iM, keetrr. OtFVRI41FT. lm rmewtt Vt-aja li mi tanm JW i tw tw g4 iTtKtMt- aptreiate.

ttJiatatet. erKk Bl IMU nll otwrga bttD 2i Sou frr-nt. asur lalHk.a M-4 Ml lifn. ver. lIui am rat.w Immm a ta.y.

Miaou I 4r A .111 IM tfrk. Iwiua NA(. V. Paul iw mil iV cart litr. bit art.

Drv at $1 It kmvsult ra 4 MAN, Muarni, apatalmt. I.qawla HI It k. 4 fnt mm listuTrs. n. equipped in Ihinio.

fBku I'O Mi A.r lt nttd e4dtt tarv kisk. k-gh allowance 1 i-mer. etc- Hiram iiji IM. Mo Mt IiXiS h-mmt mrm V.rmmi ktairr, Ball met lau, it rtiir. la tr momi.

tM Iht.wllow. Out fct. I lV) Vileime twv-4oor lM VMKM I I l4 KM XT- -4 1 ii A Nitsooal'. known. GLenwood

li pmtd mitral bun-; krirt acxilrtk only "to miM nr GEnese 22--J. otiow veiling, t.r ami 11 kid bt of care by im r-aatt VnH'l Hi 1st. fi4 Mi i.r rll. l4 takM a I end drue Ait bttu Beauty Dil othtt l.te 10 dmt from. pj Mli 'WW Moorv 1" Ml Hi Am i I dm fftfm rtV Milft BtOar M.

vi Mt it r. 7: ti a i Ihat arid fis-erei. LOOM n20. BUKK, 1tu. rmiw nrw THFRILFT.

I4 letor. led end hret int. A'var. tw i. -w a.

T. "11 rtailn rn.t4 r.f tr.i. t. i. riui only I1" Mmmi li.

ii fiu i Ma.athi 1 iA It 1 IU UM MuM ikl (flM 1 H4hfll k.l itklMW) AM rw Fl 'W and KU I- llfi I I kl bata PltttlOrd. 1 I IMVO. I I Ml A. jrtf told fc pott e( Atonxv Set Hi. if t.m iriit.

Mpai er' ATtjtt t' Ml IVII1, 111 mm tirrk ki Wktwa rvtl cim, Ana S-hoJrt. KtHam. I to dMxw ltw tin. nt. mtoikc iJi ru iii.iv.

i-j. ai'i uu. rm'i i ui i li vi. ium arivr Al' xvm f. 7 I tQU.PPfd with IJio.

hcAlrt. tic II Itlimw lor clran tt i rWviM PIm.Mh ariKl aaJkUvak. mU Alnai t. i Mi inj In i ml a VI 1 1 I KI HI knkfll 1 vail. 'Fl M1U J.

i I4) Radio mi mi Kow 31. ii lfm wnd clote-up knitr. low mtltwt rtrmtn Spttitl i VL idlB. ImlH.K. 1MI 4.

Maw. Hum IMI tatW aM. -1AIMB warn, i (h. an aaall Urn lr I' i 1(1 ibl4 4 4 V. I ...1...

t'Hl B.n HUNk. 1 -I i 4 A n. HIN lki IIH SIM. liWIIU.I J. .1 VV'IV'V, I KUWt, I.UI1', II.

.1.1 mil lA.k T.a. I at 1 1 1 I I 1 kVT. 11' I I I I Hk mm. iintt fimall btittrt. inmt rttnirrtd ii.i"ki Kiuti iniifi.

rvtw tuncF otiutc uajt on inn. or tnr ata nc uea ttr. mc- Mamnt H.rwi, iwr n.mMii. n.w ia vk.kin uti 10. Mit t( tt i4 ti awt rat rv.v...

a ai.ift Uafikrai.ka M.M.-ik I i recoovlitiotd Irtctort. 4 Mirf 10. nr. M.5l. Sunhrup.

J5 Vaa I tana fun. "Iht Farmer IValtr." Dodiir Plvmuth Broadvit. (ptri atlrt. Jrk.ti. niri.T" IM1 ror aurvi 4 HI-HI)IH.

lf oiatiliNt Btvlia i. mui I hrkiailal ontinj in. laiita rop. I HiTtrirwt. 4 Oliet umii.

w. "ii.lFB ltt IH lliHII 1X tniAat1c, Hunt ilia tit 4 IMAaint nrticr. nw ht (j, hrltr TiMd rliiw Buv a. mh ilraa iktiiy xtrtai mii. piw a.imi..i vi ikhn4 afkai.

aao 81 11 K- "v- lCllr.R()l lT. 1M4 Fleaiha. Mm lM Vncran i amo Mitt. ii juarpa wv M.l-un. "Onia ila-i Ieil ipm eat of ir vrm.

hM a.t. vrt I "want iuni jinrpn, trajn. i.Oki. hrtirr. aim louot.

I-'" CbUK muUr LTt '7 tour. R.dio.Hr..H)wT. ()ptn allrl FT. I7 todo. ti.tUtnt.irtt.

mvJ 4 Mn. ttvaath 1. a. L-ZlTl ,1 r.hmti tad bit; lemtl itcoodiiiunrd Beater, ahite udewaH tire. II you VliFA RAM 1 1 'tnoa attton (tnt uiiinmor, la inwi tr-tirarka lnv tad anon rrv.w,litMwtd todt tptv-lal t'H faarrhiil Alf tM uni.

wn. Hinrn 1J tnd 14-mch plowt; ttvtrtl ditc' Plrl" of .1 vie you'll like thi. (h fc. 'at. comd-rt and ft would tm Hot iV ain luat 1 it R.m 4 Km, r- mrt M- Fakatrt.

vi rr. huv kt Frank lone. I w. .1 nl. 1 mi.

I. hmlMir t'tr. .1. A wl Ui li.Mk 1 1 'IHHHUiri, ru.a. 1.........

.1 wr r- i' tTitn, new and utd. 2 potato lii.ll. under market al II.W5. Frank Jonet. Lett on mbhtr.

hhtl utd. Sewrall FnHutlor Briint.W5JMiiii. w. M0. aot rmied, M.

eueiitni v7 FtiHO. 14 utocr drruit ilah I IINOHv lM" ImwMiH Vvi. ui I ismi ihil ma M.atrl "at" Aamr U.ooditi.n v. "fn ui; onroanrt. mv miaruM.

d.ik hidiai. I eumrord auk itdto tad ICHFVROlFI. 1X47 Flrnmtklrl ttdjn, IMllX.I vUkMni tfdan. httiailul I Mmort. Illl tana vi trwiwd 1 urr.

tJ manure Li i HF R)i h7Tm) TiTlerthnT" aticd: a lew Itow tiavior plantert. weed- Schotn. litnetct. moweri; lniernatiooal com binder and 1 c'' 0" th 'l 1 h. iBl'lCK.

4h1.x Kdan. healer, radio, i i io. h.m l.wi wvtral tide-de- hctltr. rtdio. neaulllul oliltinaj gictn oait ur imiimi.

jmm. niTt 11. ar lh, at. radio. Iitvh air ntatrr.

Mt. ini.1,.1. lilcv. anile kiuew.ll rsiTininiiaiir tin, hta.k liaivh A real htlv. il (HUM .11 "Zl lT.

V. Mil mi. haip M.i IV nmmrt. ll I 1 v.r iHnimir vmii I I a rii niethanKallv found it irnlv a Rtlpn i.r. Set oa rati krHiwrmwi How, N.

V. Scofield A Son. Ntvark. Ihu ont. Iimmnn M01011 tfcl, a.aj fur II, ratrtt.

lor Hiuiv uvtvl urt. HiHtort 62. I ol- I uviiiln oriltt wood 1104. (Service department nertr cloves Piwititc, 62 VV. Mna jei 1 Viri Hun Corp 6 Fast A.4V Rd.

Open t.tnint.. Ulvtr MSHi. BUICK: IMa tedan. A le'al buy. Two 173 Monroe Ave.

arry ftaet, Ttcontmionea. it numntr 01 srr toolt oo numerout to mention. tale must promptly. Wiv A ll.oi, uciioneert. J.

Schott A Son, axeri. Then cattlt and thit mtchinery vrtged to tell. Termt cth. I INI N. IM I krvlm.

trwaa I.V..SI1I I 14411 CHKNROIET. IM J-ttaot. dooi, ptntvi me- it)RI M4 VJ tudm Kiw mih-aiit ns lirtt. an tt- 194- t'lwonn sedan, tmactlve 7,, A Fttidt' mitt i hm, alpk Pontiac. Inc rtd Imnh.

(rtth air hemei. fluid dn.e. 'M', a rr.l 51 ts w. II Nook iThit car it likr new. dnwn wv Ititl.

iiup. V. Mt.n I 111 HKVKOI F.I. IV4I tero ttdtn. A btauti-ful light gretn color, one of those popular models.

Hat radio, heater, spotless chaaical condition, tiH-cclltnt value at $691. Ral ood rnrk. i.t.-t mttmi Ckorthill 110 Mt H'w A 626 Mam. interior, priced at only SI 24a. Sea this AUTOMOTIVE BUICK: 1946 super sedan; like new 1941 super sedan, reasonable; 1941 aedanette, completely tquipptd.

Fasy terms at Avtman Motors, 646 Rd. Open BUICK, 1949 Super club convertible coupe. Hat beautiful light green finish aith besutyat Joylt's, 5v EMua. CHEVROIFT. 1941 convertible; radio, CHEVROLET.

'42 club loupt. All estraa, immaculate throughout, mechanically A I. only $445. Town Motors, 25J Buffalo 14 Can Belaf Dlnnantlfd i ptrttct $1 IVprml.hlt uvtd cais sn tudoi; radio, kaai. tnilt I.

a 14. Honon s. ul.ei Rd. (pe e.rn.ngl.! age. g.vj, stem i tr; ttaKial.

J149S 'l I fx iIXiE 1411 lusiom tedtn. papular, 1 at I iddell M.Hort, 4)4 il HsMOHII F. Iu kcytiaatr. grtrn finish, radio, frrvh air healer. )l ORI l4S iirtihlt.

loadrd auk turn Iriinioa Av Open e.t Run. la l.n I iht tmM nt Rd. Open avta. contrasting dark green leather Interior, light tan top; fully equipped with radio, healer healer, finish Is grat with black fop and while sidewall tires; this low mileage, om-owner car really look, sharp: $1,085. "Salt Buv" at Koetner't "Trading Post." (Lincoln-Mercury), 90 Mt.

Hope. BAkef 1796. CHEVROLET, 1950 Si) lint deluxe 4- IL tnakei. Buy tht unused mileagt ia our atlected used parts. Satisfaction of your iey back euartntee.

Unit Parts, 1185 St. E. Phone Calttr 0250, rtuij drive covert unusually a ca car As new ine utv li wat orii.trra irom i wl a )1 fis int itvioiv. nnrmTi.Tii riwriim i -wi iwt n. a.

door ttdtn. ktaimrui Depn.l.blt used vtrt. Horton s.V lakt An "opposite koda Ptrt C.ltn- smiwomi, tmi ii tqnkrpta wi, im ver. low mncafv tu vfih. Seal" guartnle.

Ralph Pontile, 626 and dvnatlow. so nice you naia 10 k. and drive it. 30-da guarantee. Full price Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used car division), 1701 Eart Ave.

aood 1104. iNtrvtrt drptrtraent aevtrrtdio, Htaitr, Imi4trd 4 al li.tii saaii a. A aJ aa.aki.tv4i DOIX.E, 1949 Coronet club coupe, gun vv. Main. ia a aiti.

Jkit tguilrta tar wril llrWWi ft CHEVROLET, '48 Aero 2-door. Beautiful appearance. Very tight and good me-chanicallv. Priced low at $1,095. Frank metal nnish.

neater, sup cover, iiuiu SMANTLING: M2 Chrysler; '40 Nasrr, 41-'40 Mercury; '4l-'40 Chevrolet; '40-'39 '4l-'40 Pontile; '41 Plymouth; '41- jToiiIt; '39 LaStlle; l-' Ford. Ajsi Parts, 117 Atlantic. MOnroe 56H5. CHEVROLET 1948 FletUini itdan, beaim- BUICK: 1950 Special 4-door sedan. Very dri tmart Koking nr anj perfect.

1 v- i 7. 111. ii ivl at iW $r5 "Sat. M.i." .1 Jones. 685 W.

Main. ful 2-tone ptinl. radio, etc. uniy sus Drpeml.Mr uwd cars. Horton s.

"ivrf-lTh "1 "I mcoln M.r-' I'SMi r.1l l4i) "4" tou. ver Rd. Open evenings, 6tW. I Ml BAkrr i6 i tflio, im-U lirtt. tptrklnig Mtsk CHEVROLET: 1949 FTreltine sedan, light I 'iil Beikirch 160 Mt.

Hope. CHEVROLET. busll bt.k, VKr.iri, nn rittlih A I aval treen finish, radio and heater. Spotless i ilARLOTTE Auto Parts dismsntlini late odel cars. Also buyins cars for dis-' tailing.

423 Latta Rd CHarlotta 4030. interior. Car has had very best of can: 6 clean, low mileage, radio, neater, loaay onlv $1,1195. Repular Archer 90-day guarantee. Archer Motor 350 Monroe.

BUICK: 1948 Roadmaster Dyna-flow sedn. Excellent condition, radio, heater. Today $1,395. Regular Archer 90-day guarantee. Archer Motor 350 Monroe.

others to choose from, starting at $1,195. radio and btatcr: dawi il nome, full price; body damaged. Phalf, 1311 Scottsville Road. tcl now al 51 06V Frank Jonet. "Dodge I ftd.

low I I Ivtr l.ts) (il I t4 I-rtorw k.dtamaiki Churchill Motors, 110 Mt. Hope. dealer." 6NS w. Main, ...1... CHEVROLET.

'48 convertible count. Very nu. IX'IX'F. Hv. few left! Bund new good condilion.

onlv $-98. Hiry now. u. good appearance inside and out. Has healcl.

o.ridtivt. only kiloai' ceiling at Sene.a M.H,.r.. 418) I ike itkiwagkout, It 1s Prim, ownti l.s FORD. IvSli. (urdnr.

not a maik oa It.iADrn St B4ktr Dnvtn onlv 8.777 mll.t. has 141 161 hvvbamaik trd.mirr. man. r-ctsmries, I 4 Motort, 83 pasa. IM OSSIOIIII 14 d-M ir.l.n. limiah riHiHi. kt.irr Mkt apprar. am. II ll4Hm.n1 pilctt an row) v.mirarr I nion BUICK, 1950 special 4-door sedan, completely eauipped with radio, heater, white klrnn Sl.vlnrt HroSO lor. more A .7" of delivery tnd get mhtiiintiallv had unusual care so is eicentional buy al Frank Jones, 685 W.Mtin.

Utn im. Dodge- sidewall tires and many ettras. One owner. ilivr vour ttade-in. Frank Jonet deluxe inhumed tors and the htsi Find hr.irt IM Ol 14 fue p.wn.rr Styltlint TYING all grades of cars: Dismantling '40; Chrysler, '40-'4l; De Soto.

Dodge. '39-'41; Packard, Nash, '40; Willys, '42. 1,000 others. Globe dto Parts. 2485 Dewey, CHarlotle 206i, IJSSELL Auto Parts is dismantling 1,200 ars 1935-1949.

What parts do you need? TtB. HHside 2767-M or East Rochester 202. deliver. Fairport-Rochester Rd. at the ijerpass.

Only 15 minutes from town. 4 Alio Aecessortes, Paris 15 149 CHEVROLFT 1939 tndor. $120: Plymouth. CHEVROLET. I'lvmomh drain." Ml Vt.

Main. ompinriv ratnrird. i Priced to vou. Ilotclt-m hrvmlrt 5-door. A nice, clem one only low mileage, original paint, very exceptional buy at $1,960.

''Save it Siebcrt's," 615 South Ave. Open eves. 1141 four-door, radio, heater, 31U. 286 DOIXiF, '50 sedan. Very tew miles.

Fully Ol DSMOIIII F. 141 76 anvt. Hdanftte Villi. Ctdill.t Pontile liivrd ui uii.anl F. R.Khrstrr Opea Mond.i, Wed- Gerald St.

HAmiiton 6728. rlio hraltr. hvdiamtll. tl.o 78 PHI Fast An CHKVROI ET, 1948 Flertline sedan. Load nra. ii II.INV Frank Jones. BUICK, 1947 super 4-door sedan. Beautiful hint finish. Can't be told from new, and MFRU Ri.

1919. 9 P.Ik A ttttr. 4H)iHat. ludviat ftaKh. radio,, hiitmalK dnvt.

yiiut vfcofci t1.t)93 John Dursvatt Sludtl.k.r, 7u Llrwtv ed, original 24.oiai muei. ntt new, WIS W. Main. r-UKII. Mttion w.gim.

tinny Bit, a finish; fully raiHpptd tnd like new. DOIH.I'. '48 custom ttdm. Just now on at 60 095. Ailing A Miles, 290 Mt.

Hop. exceptionally low priced at $1,195. Monroe MIKilMV. IV4U. il.tioti i.ili.v Auto Sales, Z6U soutn Ave.

I CHEVROLET, 1948 club "coupe, a ahiny black finish car that It really tatra nice inside and out, owned by a school teacher who took pride in her car. For somelhing extraordinary set this for only $96S. Koer-ner's "Trading Post" (Lincoln-Mercury), 90 Mt.Hope.BAker 8796. CHFVROI.ET. 1950.

Fleetllne two door CHEVROLET. Chevrolet, Chevrolet, 1949, BUICK, 1949 Roadmaster sedan, light blue ATJTO parts, mufflers, tsil and exhsust pipes, clutch tnd pressure plat assenv for all cars. Schuber Auto Parts ill body Styles. Ve will stll num finish, radio, hetter, dynatlow irammit- $1,289.00. (We need older csrs.

will auow on. in enor condition use new. iw lias radio, he. Her, 4 new tirts Upholstery has alaave bren covrrrd. Only $1,083.

Ftank Jones, 688 W.Maln. IXilKiE, 1V47 custom 4 door tdn; radio, heater, recently traded in for nrw car Lyell Ave. OLcnwooo 0113. FORD. 194V.

iiiktom tiid.H. spirklina timsh, ttrtt tnd molor in A. I conduitm. spoiltw Inirtior. Hera it an rittpiinnallv low bonded ell $1,289.

Vt it al Dovlt'i. sgn F. M.m. h.inht af luxury and comfort. See this at you up to wwou ior vou.

ui" Doylt's big lot. 560 E. Mun. tt ttvu na.1i auto narts: Generators and sedan. Just tike new from lop to bot ovtiilii.t.

ttrv mint and otti. mid iisstnHII 4 and a-dnoe, ihi iwttk ol. laDiaa Motou, lw Mnrt lan, Vm Ptul Si. talow ilHt $1 8S.

MFRdRV 149 r.Tpi.wngrl "lnh "i.nnt I 'Ids IVr.Irl NonrnMutt A h. Fnuippfd with ad htaiti. Arrt Un 1 vtiimgi 'ill Ihis ti 51 IV) lo tno.r IH.M11HII l4 make room ho Iht mtnv avnl kitastatl tlrts in is, Metrv OKI.mnbilrs lin.hei s. 17 SlnMh with Ml tog, Very tturrii I Below 1 "Mn Htilmt nine Ms Ml R( I H) Mrruilv." VIrriuiV l3 iBVineaMwM A HshkriiM. Mfl 14.

Jills. John Dorscnei-atuoeoatcr, ttarters specialists. Schuber Auto Parts 1948 Atro tedtn. One CHEVROI F.E Dewey. Open evts.

lodiy only V89S, luir.hill today only tom. 51,695 00, Cool Chevrolet, 360 Culver Rd. 558 Lyen. ui.enwo.iu i u. owner, 20.0.10 actual miles, very clr.n.

lone-owner; k.r. fully touipptd. $1,195. United Motors. 110 Mt. A miirK 1947 Roadmaster sedan, radio, Ci whi 11 Automobiles For Salt CHFVROI ET: Power-Glide 4-door heater: very' nice car at a buy! I Airman FORD, '47 2 dooi, a good tar, still has orliin.l lire. Our F.iitr tpt cial. $743. Foalrr Motors, Spen.tipiHi, V. sedan.

Driven very few miles, radio, Motors, 150 Lake. GLenwood 4422. Molor Salet, 195 South Ave DODtif S- '46 '49 models. All guaranteed ucvbVii'kt rti Thiai' mivdiii club Vou want depeoit.Nt transp*rnHon. CHEVROLET, 151 (hetl motMii 11110 Wt have 4iktiv loin i-ilnnr radio and heater, healer.

Today $1,975. Regular Archer 90-dav guarantee. Archer Motor 350 BUICK, 1948 super aedanette, completely equipped, ebony black linisn, one oi me Monroe. like new; also choice of 130 good used earl. Farmers attention: We will take your yearling or heifer or any cattle in trade rar or truck.

McEvoy. The coupe, tMuiprt- ll'lftiihliillv served mir ru.tomers since 194V, dub cup. Be.iaitul o. cir.n nr. TiSMiikll I I f.wdot tnlM lautn.

power glide and many other e.trav one f( 'til 5 Phone I g.ev finish, ta.lio, hraier, o.rtdnv.. H.s m.n, rsirts. in.liulm, nvr.dri.r i )mid h.di.mtuc d.i. radio, owntr (nam eon reqnes 1, ver verv toy. dt P'Krd troia $1 TVS hur.k.ll Motors 110 1...,., .1.,,.

coupe. eqiiipreuwiin r.aio. mir ru.tomers since WM'Hml). 194V, dub voupt, (nam ton requr. -ir wlwr 625 Cnl.e.

Rd sharpest in town, below ceiling at 51 3v'. CHEVROLET: 1947 srdan. nic condition your uias ueaicr, Duncnoiusi iuv- caac. a unij i.a...

4 mi. a iiaa, mar f.liw. this car HaMni-'r Dealer." Dodge-Plymouth, 336 $995. TwoBros.L JTJS Mornjve Ave. Moton.

1850 Dewey. Ix.fH.E 130 neail. new Beau- Very trxcial 11 '4v Mrr.urvt 10 ihoo.t ttoml. man, 340 l-ane. open evenings.

hi. area dtivra 14 fflsa inu.t asllrt ant) it CHEVROLET: 1949 deluxe club coupe. I Mike 1 "Salt Huv" at kotintr Broadway. Open nites. nut.

1: iDsn sedan, maroon beauty iipv aril FT 1938 iwo-door ttdan custom sedans, nest tne pricr. Huoia Mercur)l, 90 Mt now at our ow winter prices. Srlection ai R4kcr 17. original black Iini.n, motor a-i. Fine condition, rsdio, heater, loday 395.

Regular Archer 90-dav guarantee Archer Motor 350 Monro. Hope. tally eauipped. Only $1,850. Bay Auto 188 SO lata, mn.1.1 ran.

Srtr.liir Motllll special, $89.00, $2 38 weekly will carry. Doyle's big lot, 360 E. Main. iiaiei, 3 oay 01 Ml. Hope A.e.

Open evts. FORI), lso. iiittom Tudor, Ftnlshtd 111 ttnirkr iQsi. vTrtanette. Radio, heater, MI R('I 193a radio, knitr.

iwsi broken In For ih ptiitmlsr hyt $1,773. Ruilmtn. 3 Si. i tn highly rtramntad ilwt at. MFR( CRY, 1930 4 paswagrr Vmtpt' Mi1M Fctaomv Hta.ny ik'trtins trading P.i.1" (I lavola-Mvt.

That it whii you will wke you kw, Ml low milra.r he.uly. Fawpptd 144 itsfl AB radio, heairr and many oihei fra yn mn, lur. Only $1 893 Make buy" tr .1 48. li ta (HaNasokii Kiwrnti's Tit.lMig pnM (I m.oin Mtrcur. rt huakini ttt A CHEVROLET.

1941 special deluxe 4-door sedsn. Fully equipped. $295. Sergeant MiDVOtB IQiQ N.aa Vorktr sedan A 1 oetuniui niiat na yijutpaaru urn i.vno. CHRYSLER.

1949 N'w vorkerseuan a. (,. very clran BUICK. 1950 Dynaflow sedan. Heater, ra-dio.

Very few miles. A one-owner beauty. Below' ceiling at $1,945. "Your Olds Dealer." BonenMust A Buckman, 340 Lake. CaWlTac7i950 4-door sedan.

Rich, dark green finish. Driven only few miles; 90-day guarantee (or 4,000 miles). Hum', sale now on. Immediate delivery. Doyle's for those practically new cars.

600 Main StE: CADILLAC: '49 sedanetle, equipped. Al Molor 727 East Main St. sharp color. Interior and exterior shows It had best of care. Tires like new.

Drive ft and you'll buy it. Spector Motors, 188 f'hJvsler Vialer 4 A buy at $1,043. iht Poriland Ave (Motors. 180 lake budgei, I won't br any "rtp.H ijmia DODGF. '41, 2 dor.

Ver. nu through orrirt" with this almost arw Im ruav.nriR. 1947 New York club coupe. I Mmort 646, ma, ulate condition ihioughoui. ihli mil CHEVROLET, 1950 delus club coupe.

Driven very few mile, radio, heater. Todav. $1,695. Regular Archer 90-day guarantee. Archer Motor 350 Monroe.

Mt. Hope Ave. Open eves, aee our tion ef 50 other late-model can. htt'90 Ml. I In An BAkei 8' illiukmait Old.

Draltr," J4fl lake. rrallv show. Iht remarkaMt slit it F.xcepUontliy nice, nn i Rd. Open nmhis. BUICK.

1949 model "71" dark grey four MERCURY. 14 4(oor ttd.n Fqucp ym-jii Mturer nryner-riyniuuui most new. Rudman, aiaic, recti, ed, Being sptvitllv fe.iurrd this tek tor only 51 393. kotmei's "Iriding -tloor sedan. Fully equipped with all ex.

439 Portland Ave. mrnl Imludit radio, brain, ahnt atll.OI IISMiiHIl F. 14) "Hi ktami. CADILLAC, 1938 Fleetwood sedan. Radio, CHEVROLET, 1949 sedan.

Jet black, loaded, like new throughout. 1948 a hrautv. 1947 Aero sedan, beautiful In DODGF. IV50 (oronel sedan, has radio and healer, air conditioning, tulomatic shift, iimlrrcoiiiing, white wall lirtt, air-foam seats, directional signals, A low- trai, 48 hour money back guarantee, plus tlrtt, o.ndrl.r Finished In that atw Tro I tia gut. h.dt.m.iit dtitt, lull I'm tl inculn Mercurn, 90 Ml.

Hop FiAkrr 1196. CHRYSLER. 1949 club coupe. Windsor; Ian giry. apoilett Initnor.

Thit will I muipwem Ymi buy tl $1,098. "Yivnr healer. 1 tut ween special, i-" Ave. Aulo Sales, 45 J.ake. Open eves.

tone green, loaded. 1947 club coupe, 1942 beautiful blue, interior ana txienoi, please lh most buyer Very ottier. Hontnblutt A Nikkaita, 340 aay warranty, run pncs cmj Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used car divi-km, 1701 East Ave special deluxe 2-door. 1941 tedan; vtry nice mileage, onc-oaner be. utv, Simmom Motors Corp 316 Fist Ave.

CADILLAC '48 "62" fordor. Like new. FORI) 1949 111.l1 1111 tiKtoi. It an. low milr tgt.

51,123. ll.vitnn t)Kd Can, 21211 Ridge Rd. W. 0ien eve. kair.ial al tl 18 Krw rntr Motor, it iflrittn.

1' cptionally clean; driven a lew caretui miles; alio '49 Bukk tfdsnettt. $1,598. Buy yours todsyl East terms at Attman Rudman, 512 Stale. Metenfv), JO Pnrhugh. Motors, 646 tuiver no.

open nignta. OIDSMORIIP. 147, iluk ttwot, ii-vlia. DOIX.E, 1941 cluh coupe, ntw motor, nrw Churchill Motors, 1I Ml. stopa (Ftmous for cletn ctn), MFRI UR 44 ludor tillr.rkr Met l.r.

millliullk. ruuo. k.alrl. IWt. ORI) 1949 custom 8 tedan.

All eatias, $1,393. Beikitch, 160 Ml.Hop Av. CHEVROLET. 1949 Stylelin Moot. Spe CADILLAC.

1946 "62" aedanette. Radio, heater, hydramalic. Real sharp one. Kess-ler Motors, 67 Ridge Rd, W. Open eves BUICK, 1946 (6) to choose from; all body style; supers priced at $995.

Churchill Motors, 110 Mt. Hope, (Save $245 today). BUICK, 1950 Riviera, fully equipped. New car condition. That real hard-to-find paint, Hit covert, radio and neaier Hurry, the price is only $193, Simmons $93, Sthotn.

68 Otnttti. Many othrn'.. J)M k. A.e. cial at $1,095.

Ystes Motors, 4ii mi. CHRYSLER, 147, shiny bltck club con FORD. '44 and '47 ludor Firtltem isrs Motort Corp 13 Fast Ave MI-kt'URY, 14 Tudor; wRk Hope. DI DSMORIIF 141, radm, httiev. CADILLAC, 1949 Model "61" elnette.

In A-1 shape, wilk tadio, httter tnd radio, neater, whttrwail tlrtt. kat lhai DOIXiF, 1948 business coupe. Dilven )ut CHEVROLET, '51 Stylelin 2-door, very n.w paim, nva otiwr. nut toadtion. other e.trii.

Monro Amo Stlri, 260 M.arh.m Pontiac. 1560 Lake Ave vertible, la neautuui concilium -out; oneKiwner car; 30-day guarantee. Full price only $1,195. Valley Cadillac Pontiac (used car division), 1701 Fast Ait. httuiiful ai.iiKW fiaitb, IhH it a vtrv pttcd right.

Drllitt Miiiots, "Ywir Hu4 lew miles, fully equipped. Kidg Motors, South Avt. 'Opposite Kodak Park." GLenwood 1104. Has gunmetai linisn, ia cMuii.t-tu hydramalic drive, radio and heater. Full price is far below ceiling, only $2,595.

low milige ont onr car; lookt and ditvet 16.000 actual miles; one owner car, equipped wilh radio and healer; $1,093 00. Whiting Bukk. 30 North Union. Onen 9-9 2423 Kidge Kd. w.

open eves. (Service Department never closed). as good is inv nrw nr. unit la and drive FORD- 1949 custoin club original CHEVROLET: 1949 (best model) club rwuYClFR- First series. 1949 Windsor $1663 Doylc'i 3) F.

Main ciran Intrrtor, aood tirts, an ts Valley uavvi sion). 1701 East Ave. BUICK, 1950 super "52" 4-door aedan, finish. Radio and heater.

The sedtn, excellent condilion, also ton lit. in. nidga at Dtwty, Ol iiSMtmfllf 141 'irittntiir FumrP-d, hnbaniaitt, original hint rtrvl.k. Ilka near ini.itni I hi. car hi.

had traiioatl tar bv oantr Our prut only $1,04. RataMI Ponna. 6' W. Mala irpiton.l talitr 11 only $1,188, Rtlph coupe. A one-owner ctr with exception, allv low mileage, In beautilul condition DOIXiF.

De Solo, Oldsmobile, 1946-147 cluh convertible cotiprt, all fully equipped MIMCIIRY, 130 4d Raii, twairr, and man. otlwr dt.i.atilt ftatiirtt. A't 1U7 ttdtn. priced unusually low, CADILLAC. 1948 Model "61" ledan Only $1,395.

Palmer 1850 Dewey. $1,075, and 1946 Roval ttdtn, radio and could pin ihi. ont on our thowtoom tTcanr PiHUiac, 4J6 VVMaln FORD, 1946 nun wairon, twain, i.dio. excellent wood, mtihaiiicitl. A I.

good pride of the Buick Fleet. 90-day guarantee, A 12.145. Meacham Pontiac, 1560 Lake Ave if Opposite Kodak GLenwood 1104 ind you rtnHdn I tttl ft from nrana ntw CHEVROLET: '48 Aero. Radio, heater, all weather neaier, n.iu. i-v, 157 Court St.

and priced lo lell now Mesr teiecinsn 01 convertible! we've een in some timt. Hurry! Fincher'i, 37 South Union. IxiixiE, IV46 4-Iloor ledan. Equipped wlih radio and heater. A buy al any price hut Ol DSMIillll r.

1941, ttmM. the owner of ihil wn rr.lly prrrnil (choice of 2); $1,095. Below celling at i (Service aeparimeni ncvci nui.i tirts, low, $9V. Ralph rontiac, 6.6 Main. only 11, A.lra.a't.

7u lake Ave, Seneca Motors, 400 Lake. BuTTf-vr toat an.ri.1 4-door fsmall model) 111 IISMOHM F. sii, i ttdtn. of us mtiiitilnut i-ondiiioa. A "Safe Buy" it $1 83 Alto good trtniiun of 6 poieii-gtr tiHipri thit aid really please vim.

Kntrnei "trading Post" (I imoln Mrr- heater and good tires; original coupe that has just been reduced $300. This car is completely equipped, Including hydramatic drive. We are offering this luxury automobile with a 30-day guarantee at the same low price as today's light weight cars, only $1,995. First come, first served. Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used cr division 1, 1701 East Ave, CADIILAC, 1949, model 61 tcdanette.

uta. li.hi hint finish, fully eauipped with CHEVROLET. 1947 Aero, radio, heater. CHRYSLER, 1947 4-door; radio, heater; fluid diive, beautiful finish, $480 down; buy now and sav; winter pricet still mean savings. McEvoy.

"Dodge Plymouth Deal ORI), 1947 lonvtrtiMt atw lop, many exlras. Showt tscelleni can, huny for $847 we're giving It away. First come, first served. I incher'l, 17 South Union. Hlili.lri.tK li.lKi, he.

Itr Virf Wi8 4-tone green finish like new. McEvoy very clean, $895, Astmin 740 lax Ave. nulraiie o.rr $31 Mracnam Pn. f'Dodge-Plymouth dealer," 336 for Ihi. one.

only $V08. "A (itndrn Rule! iO-dv giurtnitt Open 'ill 9 CHEVROLET. 1941 club, radio, heater, utv, Hon Avt "Orrmt kodak cur.l, (Hi Ml Hup. HAktr MFRniRYn49 twnughtm; "like ntw, er," Ji Broadway, open nnei. tiiTTrV ioat tnn.r convertible: exception.

Put (ilenwond 1104, iVr.ul Dtptrt' new tires, $395. Astman's, 740 Lak Ave. w. ink nrysier nymoum. i ally clean and driven only 15.000 actual mtni id' I 11.491.

Schotn, 68 Otntttt CROSLEY, 1949 convertible. Heater, radio, CHEVROLET, 1950 delux two-door tedan. 643 Maple St. nrove Its leage. MFkdlRV.

1948 club coiir. dark grrn yi.3. A. I. run, v-tinvi, Open tveningi.

hydromatic, radio, healer and beautiful slip covers. Priced below ceiling. Churchill Mo Ol DSMORII P. 1947, wdin cmrpt Radio, FORI), Has shiny bltck finith. equipptrj witn rtdio tnd healer, in excellent condilion.

30- I Beautiful blue finish set off with white wall inw Church '41 club convmible; t.d,,i krtiir, molor A puff." Only finish, mienr and lim Ilk ntw. radio. nr. i.r inn kydramath fttakiiifuJ luimw heater and mhr mrtt A ml valut'l CROSLEY cart, trucks; Immediate delivery; finish Isrlow r.ilina Big Lat. ill Motors, 110 Mt.

Hope Ave. (See our tors. 110 Mt. Hope Ave. iaiio 4-door $1.395.1 ItlRl) 1930 custom 8 club coupe.

Radio, he.uer, low mlleige. eiteptionally itean. maroon linish, set off wilh white wall tires. Buy at our low winlrr pniei. Spector Motors, 188 Mt.

Hope Ave. Open eve. Alio large ol '46, '47, '48 tnd '49s lo choose Irom. FORD, 1916 tuprr il'lun irdan: udio, healer. Astman 1, 740LiktAve.

FORD, 1949, custom Fordor; radio tnd heater, like nrw. $1,293. MiPvov. "Dodec-Plvmnuih Drtler." healed Ihow- day tuarantee, $1,595. Save it Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used car division), 1701 and dtivt Ihil hrauly, Only $1,193, Doyll'l, $408 MAN Auto S.lti, Riotd.

Optn eves, "I Ml tar Il 1951 models en display. Mack Motors. 150 Andrews. LOcust 3185. large selection ot tas.) 618) Mtln St, East Ave.

CADILLAC, 1946 Model "75" 7-passenger ill HSMONII 141, 4dou(, 4-i rl i kr. CHEVROLET, 1942 special deluxe coach. MFRt URY 14 Only $175. Moinr Broad ili.metii. raalto.

krtitt. gmid tint. AIM BUICK, 1948 auper sedan. Fully equipped with radio and heater. 30 day guarantee.

Full price $1,345. Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used car division), 1701 East Ave, '1 Idinr, mHo, haiW; am Mtwd Se this one! 4v. Axtman, iw Las Ave. DE SOTO. 1947 ledan.

Radio, heater. Only $945. Wolk Bros "Your Drprnd-able Soto-Plymouth Dealer," 23 Siiilton Si. Open evenings till 9. tor, Brmta.

Open e.ri $73 M.Fim "Imagt ptvm rk sedan. The reconditioning on mis auio included a completely new front end, complete engine overhaul. This $5,500 automobile is being offered for sale at th sacrifice price of $1,595. Vallty Cadillac-Pontiac (used car division), 1701 East Ave. MFRd RY.

198, ctuh cnnvrrtlble CHEVROLET, 1948 Fleetmaster sedan, Drtler," Hi Hriv.d.y Opta atghrt 1 71 1 ISSK .11 1 1 FT I 497 Ar." kttuHal' a rooms, 316 Brotdwty. Open niict, BUICK, 1941 aedanette, special, clean clutch, only $195. Akron illnl bio. finish ridm. hrntr.

SOTO. 1946 custom sedan; beautiful low mileage. Astman's, 740 Lak Ave, windowi. whii will iidy warranty, 1947 toper deluxe ludor, R.dio. I hi treen: r.dio.

very clean car. FORD. room fimtk, lirtt; lod.y ar- Motors, Broad cor. Lyell. Open eves.

$2,143 Mrt.htm-Poniiir, ts) like Avt nrw. $8vs. Alhng A Only $993. Beikirch'i, 160 Mt. Hope.

heater, tires like l.l $143 (kurtkill Motors, III) Ml, BUICKS, 1940 choose from three, $195 CHEVROLET, 1948 2-door Fleetmaster: radio and heater; sparkling rbonv black finish like new. special, $993. McEvoy, "Dodge-Plymouth dealer." 336 Broadway. CADILLAC, 1946. Model "62" sedan.

Lovely 2-tone blue and gray finish, equipped with hydramatic drive and all ihu other extrat vou would expect to find each. Emu auio saics, jot n. P.ik," l.l.n.d 1104 A (teeth- d.p.rimtnl Omtn. 1 Ol nSMOtill 1940 nck. 178.

A. I. MfRfURS '4v kputtngr, h), Y. i-n era. FORD, '46 drlu.t ludor Rtdio.

timer, ipothght. Extra ale urtt, vtry clrtn. A buy Altman Motora, 150 lake FORD. "l9, custom club coupe, 12 000 imltt. Pqulpptd wllb Mttic ill ktaur, ovetdriv tr.ntmistlon for pttk ptrform-ance tnd economv.

Comptrt Ihu vtlu for $1,295. Dnrschtl Studehtkcr, Dewev. Open FORI), '47 tuner delus club it dm, heaitt; like new, $841. Iiiiikxi. Used Ctrs, 21.0 Riilg Rd.

Open tt FORI), 1941 club coupt. ri. radio and heater, hurry, gone al this prm. $8')8 tool Ihevinlet. 160 Rd FRA7.FR.

'4 tedin. o.rrdn'r ridio, hitler. $1,293. Svhotn. 68 fitnesef.

HFNRY Hi. bi.nd ntw car by Amtrica's answer ta Niw toil driving. iiiirrir 1547 Suner sedan. Radio, heater CHEVROLET, 1948' Stylemaster model Bit healer.

$745. Also several other 48t in such a fine automotiiie. run price $1,395. Valley Cadillac-Pontiac (used car rohrrs I All ctrt oat-owner, arw ttr irtdttt iol DSMOfsTI '48 "78'" wd.iwor. hrf.

extras. Tu-tone paint. A fine car, very clean. Also '47 and '48 sedanettes, fully equipped, from $1,095. United Motor Sales, Cheap.

McFvoy. "Dodge-Plymouth," 3)6 H. Prim. 183 Ridgt Rd lanrne aw, titttitioatuy ntta. division), Kin Fast Ave.

throughout, has radio and htsttr, air FORD, coach, good condition. conditioning, undercoating. automatic thilt. A. I.

Pills, Otitano enter, N. Open directional ligntls, aetl coven, one owner. low miletge. Simmons Motors Corp, iit cmlpfi jjij" a. J.

Pills, Et Avt. onia'iio Cenler. N. Y. Optneemng.

DB Sort). 1949 tuom clMk cou INMy $, A. J. equipped. A steal at $1,795.

See ng believing. Ali.m 1 A JJt.p. Ntiuag mi si, iv. awgt ateieit, 4.. Broadway.

Open nltes. 19.5 South Ave. open MFRtURY, 1941 tluk tostpt. Radio. CHEVROLET, 1948 Aero sedan; we know Rulgt Rd W.

Op art. hrtirr Only at Auin.a Minor. BUICK, 1950 supers and special aedans, CHEVROLET, 1949 sport coupe. 6-pasten er. Like new.

$1,245: also 1948 Fleet 646 Rd Optn aighis. this car and think it one of the nicest we'v seen lately; only $1,195. Cool Chev rolet, 360 Culver Rd. club coupes, etc. All IUliy tquiyptu.

master sedan, radio and heater, Bootless owner trade-ins. A big selection. rncea DE SOTO, 1947 custom tedtn, i tW A J. Pitts. On- CHEVROLET.

1950 two-door deluxe Ill llSMllrlll l47 "78" wdtn. hydra. m.iiv, ritl-u, krtirr, Shirp car. Only Utikirik Miot Ian Mt. Hop At.

Ol IisstnHII '46 "98" tires, $1,110 itikirck.Jt Mt.JfnfM, Ol DSMtiHIl "ttdtn, traly am I throughout; reduced to $1,045. C. Fields, 157 Court St. at ceiling or under. Whiting duici, North Union.

Open 9 to 9. green finith. spotieii interior, n- tenter. N. Y.

Open tfningi. h9. glide, all extras, like MFRt RY '49 donr tnd 4d.Hr win ucm of 30 dean cut. ill mike and modili. St.

on our low winter prtcta Sotclor Mntort. 188 Ml. Hop A NASH, 194 ttd.n. IH) uodtr book drive, radio and heater. Hurry, lull price $1,145.

Here is a real beauty. See FORD, Fnghsh. 148 fordor sedtn, it'i imirt, It'i lonth. It's ihntiy Vt it new, $1,795. tool tnevroiei.

joii nu $8(gi. Monro 7.I1U-W BUICK, 1948 station wagon. Radio, heater, low mileage. This is the car for that vacation or all around use this Summer. lodiy tl West Main Mmort, 701 Wttt rurvini ET IQ46 four-door sedan, all CHEVROLET, 1949 delux 4-door tedan; radio and heater, tuton green; buy with comfort and confidence In our heated Drive You buy uoyic Main St.

low 16 llir.ara i. Mtln, and ntn you ar rtaay at tnesii FORI). 1947 fordor, toper drluse model extras, motor overhauled, $795. Cool Chevrolet.

360 Culver Rd Radio. Priced lo sell. $73. Hatlmtn pricet ate nn erro 194V tustora Kdan. Ol DSMOBII F.

140. good running rofxti. HUDSON, 1947 s.d. a Rtdio tnd hiiitr, Buy at the low winter price or Whiting-Buick, 30 North Union. Open 9-9.

showroom. McEvoy, "Dodge Plymouth Dealer," 336 Broadway. Open nite. it at iw.itr ate. Very nice car1! See lot, Compile' 29 i mrm.

$8V3. Two Br 1733 Monroe Ae CHEVPOLETS, Fords, Plymouths, Dodges. lion, ntw paint, iie.n smii na Ol ftSMOkll dub ra. nuirir ion -dnnr aedan. Has beautiful Ward Maurtr 459 Portland Ave Choice of thrre FORI), CHEVROLET.

1948 buiinett coupe; choicJ 1950 custom fordor tedtn. H.i'Hi liSON, IV46 better and overdrive. Braunful $TV3. Two Hut. blue 'finish, fully equipped, including '37s to 4Zs, 35 real oargaim.

many cheapiet Compart my price, Rader, 24 radio of tlartlng at $793. Mcevoy -nig Rudman. 312 i'r NASH, 14) 4 door, radio, healer, bed Nice thrniigbout. Below ceiling at Vntct Motuit, 418) lake. NAaHl4 "fVSi" triMi brougham.

tquipptd wilh air coadiilotnag. hr.irr, radio with tain spt.ker, whit will llrt-t An riceptionil buy al $1,13. tlto 44 "aoO" ttnti Hdu, rtdm, kttitr, twin ipotlighli. dirt.liontli. ai.av other curat.

Thi. ctr hat had the usual DE SOTO 1947 sedan. Fluid drive, radio, healer. Very tpecltl $945, below ceiling at Seneca Motort, 400 Lake. Marshal: St.

lot." 336 Rrotdwav. "130 car selection. 4 ttdan. New dark gretn lini. This late model ,77 (,71947 IUM like new and can be al a big ,4, v.ii...

1 1 1 a a a w-j I t(l minute detail reconditioning at do all used cars at Buy with confidence. CHEVROLET, '49 Fleetlin coach, perfect; uiv. r.n... udan, ongintl. M.nv other b.r.ilM.

Ast divitlonl, 1701 Fist A.e. j. ui. ld Ooaa aiahll $1,395. Schoen, 68 ijeneste.

CHEVROLET: Good telection, '50s. '49t, 48s. '47s, '46s; from $795. South Side Motors, 467 Clinton Ave. S.

Full price, $1,095. wnuini-nuica, ju nuim DE SOTO, 1949 deluxe tedan. radio and healer; beautiful gypsy green finith. priced right. McEvoy, "IFodge-Plyeaouth," 31 Brotdwty; Open nitet.

ruFVRilIFT 1949 Fleetlin delus four- Union, open cial. $1,398. in inc FORT). 1950 coupe, wttkend special. t.

mi door; a really gooo one, oniy ji.jvj. Joha ixirttnr yudrnattr. Strgetnl Motor Corp 727 BUICK, 1949 supers and Roadmastets, all ai-vtali and m.nv COlOtl tO Select UOm. lilt new. Two 753 Monro A.e ij-y.

CHEVROLET, 1950, power glide ttdan, $1 795. Loaded with extras. Griffin Motors, 1411 Scottsville Road. Brown Chevrolet, 76V w. Mtin.

niPVROt FT 1948 convertible, new top, FORI). lMg smiiin wagon, radio and! dm, htaitr; original, on owner enotaj milri; clr.n $193. ailed Molor Stltt, 193 South Art Open ettniMt. Ol DSMORII RT44 Hrdrt-attlc Very clrtn. Only $93.

I.iklrck Bros 140 Mt.Jl.ipt Ave Ol DSMOBII P. 1947 ttdan ritho, hrtirr, Hrdia mailt. Itopird etrvtrt, tptaHighl. tit. A beamy' Oalv V1.

"But) now tnd sa.t" ASrn Motort, Bmtd tm. Ivtll. trpen Ol DSMOBli I4I ktdramtiw wdaMtla. A btauly Ihronahoul At Atuaan Moton, 644 uttr Rd. (nwa aighn! OLDSMOMII I949m.rftl "76" twftiw HI 1941 ttdan, nice condition, $1 493.

To Btnt 1733 Monro A. All fully equipped, mostly one-owner trade-in. Pried from $1,795. Whiting-Buick, 30 DESOTO. 1941 convertible club coup.

New lop, new paint, rum beautifully. Now it the time lo buy a convertible. heater. Itts than miles, txcrllrnl NASH. 1944 itd.n.

hhom grv. maay at- in excellent ihspe. Ste it, and jrou'll buy all tnuind Hoselton he. rolet CHEVROLET. 1948 Fleetline aedanette, North Union.

Open v-v. it! Brown tnevroiet, iwf w. main. LaDuca Motort, 855 St. Ptul Roche.ter.

Open evenings, Hill HI'DVIN. 1949 Choice of stdint MtllM, broughams These tit ont owati nanar yerv clean, man. mrymiH, side 208 1. 1941 club coupe, bargain. $249; three 19'9t BUICK.

Buick. Buick, 193M041. Six to choos from. Priced as low as $193. DP SOTO.

1949. custom tedan. excellent Ctrl. wo 173 M'mro Al. ItASIl, yi ttatn.

one ni, iww mirr CHEVROLET. 1950 Stylelin delus 4-door, just like brand new. Only Brown Chevrolet, 769 West Msln. to choose from, see our oargaint tgt. a buy al $687.

emury Motors, 174 Doyle's big lot 560 E. Main. LtDuca Motors. 855 si. faui.

Mimrot Ae HUDSON, 130 Brougham, n.erdn.e, beautiful condilion. 10 Brut. throughout, also ivts cutiorr iftigi). V46 tutmn wagon. Has tadio ana tedtn, radio, heatre.

and 5 new General heater, runt good. Idol car for Summer, tires, $1,245. C. W. Fields, 157 Court, Needs some touching up.

Speutl. $698. Str- tnnrif 1046 club convertible coupe We have one of the CHEVROLF.I. lv siyieiina rv ICVROIFT. 1949 1785 Monroe A.i.

NASH, 1950 Vll.srfi.n, formtrly owned radio ano oc.iei, I4. ully tklUlfaptd. Brat buy, II, no. 6sOToTl940 41oor tutone. grty; good out.

McEvoy, "IJHxlge-riyrBouin ueticr. HUDSON 1.KI sedtn. Mtutilul gwota 7n Mu- equipped with radio and heater, $947 is the low Winter price, but if so near Spring you better hurry before someone beats you to it. Fincher't, 37 South Union. aaarktnr at 11.11: 8DtCttl IIW 1 U4U iluh COfl VertlMt CriUDt.

best selections ot '4V inevroie.j. mttc are cart we sold new a year ago and have serviced them regularly and hava taken Ihem back in on nw 1950 models. Come 3)6 Broadway. Open nites. good prewtr cart priced ngni.

rcrvoy. r.l. 114 Hrnadwav. Dcaltt," 314 Brotdwiy. equipped with radio tnd hetter, sm.n .,...,,1.

un jno u4M ifquipprd lini-ae punt. 1 intrtl gutraaitt. pA( Aam im,) I I a'." .1.11,1. 1 1 i I i while ndrwtll hrtnd 3168, umbrrl.nd rumatilaaa) Dodge-Plymouth ft rtd finish, lute, I'Mttr Ntsh. UMiutt,

B'app, rtigirn. murv iosn four-door sedan new top Hnrrv' $1 avi. Minor-, in ivsi omnwiaor. a cow al imiott. CHEVROLET.

1950 deluxe 2-door, fully equipped with power glide, radio, heater; owner'i name on request. Churchill Motors. 110 Mt. Hop Av. other '50 Chev- DE SOTO.

1948 deluxe 4-door, rtdio. belt- Equipped with radio and heater. Only in and let us show you. Many colors ano all body stvles. Hailman's, 218 East and 29'Union St.

S. 727 F. Miin St. Ughi tut. to.

neitirta pros, itv SASH. '50 Only ont Ufl. A fluid drive, li.oiai actual murv. PA(KARf). 14 tluh conpe Owned by kHat pkrtirt.n. a. a Sunday ctr on). 'n. I 0" tttu.l mutt; lot trior tad $1,895. Whiting-Buick, 30 North Union.

one-owner ctr just traded ia on ntw Dodge FOR I). i49 4 door ted.n, ill p-mihlt tt-, preuy shade ol brown. wnbeilaad- Open 9-9. rolets to choos trom. tuning a.

I Wal. 316, .1 III f)V)N 14 -live aau. siuaa vj. rih.r1.r 11 I linloa CHEVROLET, 1948 station wagon, radio jr.lrrlor like br.nd new, nf crasditiraalnt. toti ovtr atw sor tale prtce, CHEVROLET.

19 convertible, maroon Brotdwiy. Open nitet. iVrgrant Motor Corp 727 Fast M.m St. J' 5. Jne wn.

gatrtnieed 1 Brikirta IWl Ml. iNASII IVVI Amhanatiof ttdan. BUICK, 1948 super 4-door sedan. Radio and heater, white sidewall tires. Tins car had excellent care; $1,395.

ll.i' avnia ania. aa and healer. In lirst class conuiiion. always driven with a governor set at 40 m.p.h. Hoselton Chevrolet.

E. Roch finish, radio tnd netier; tee una value at $1,198. Churchill Motort, DE SOIO. 194g custom club coupe, beaier, FORI), 1941 tudor, H. Very Bite, Only latludieg hydramaitc radio, dinctioaal ngmis.

nuio uri.e. $18. Asmsn 740 I akt At. "1. iic, i.vju Biiitt, a B.tny-nw rAi ttlli.

'i op.11 coupe, man. gli. low prKt. $)9 Sotclor Motors, 188 Mi. )IM mrm, stu Ill, Ixhotn.

68 Otottae 110 Mt. Hope Ave. turner convtnioiea i ester. Open evenings. Hillside 2081.

"Buy smart, buv Buick." Whiting-Buick 30 North Union. Open 9-9 w. lite. I original 1''" FORD l4 fordo, ttdaa Blk. txlra; 11 'ri- choose from).

iPAt KARD. I. kgM Man ddnw 1 BUICK. 1946 model "71" sedan. Equipped JHFVROIET.

1947 Oub Coupe: good ttdM CHEVROLET. 1947. 2-door aedan. Vtry nice inside tnd out; $795. Hailman's, 29 S.

Union. tialMmaa d.a: Ihliu htaitr. I I ha kail. Ibaai ak.kl Plt with radio nd heater. 30 day guarantee.

condition. $195. A. J. Pitta, Ontario w' better.

$1,393. Regultr Archer 9rFdty HUDSON 80 Paremtkar DOIX.E. 94g delus tedak, heater. guarantee. Ar.htt M.rtor Co 180 Monrot "-w rruleigt.

licetriiotiallg good buy o.rrdrive, etc. Ibrt iht kind of a rtruipprd and rttdy f' attay akMea of Full price $1,045. Valley Cadillac-Pontiac Center, N. Y. Open evening.

origiail finiik, ipoilest mitriot; good 1 -Ictr it use are 11 e.ery way yti mdoai it at car I ilmutt tdtanaal pvtasura and enrr.nvtm FU pnrt nare I used car ioi rirt. HFVROI.ET. '50 deluxe 2-door. Hat tee- a coadiiK aad apprtretke in ntw one, v.ilty rUii-PoMiaa (Laid Cat 'ft. laceilCni aiCCnanaCll cnrnjl'ii.

vaiw 4.relleni anechinical condition CHFVROLFTS. 1950s; many models and colors. Hurry for be selectiont. All ran arc In the hett possible condition and very clem, original nrrs, tint t.ana 685 st Ma Ri IQ41) auocr 4-door tedan. Full Sell" fJtilsr $1,28.

Ralph Pon era! hundred dollart cstra equipment. Only driven a few months so is practically a new car. Cheap for one so clean at tiac, 626 W. Main. rtdio.

keiier. Anner 1 HI I1V1N. '4 C.rnotjorr iluk coup have extremely low mileage. Save up to price $295. Valley CadUltc-Pontiae (used car division).

1701 Fast Ave. rtt can ke iswiitii at fr-lnai of mi "t.g ii.iuo,,), mi F.l A. m.l cim at II.4SH Joati. W. M.ia p.v KARD.

130. 1 dr. railia. kea'tr ana) NASH, '44 attfia. A rttl kargaw la I icnamiHia- a low anttate) gw4.

saaud notiwir cr ly to riv. 1,,. M. (M, t3 C. 9Y.

Faikaa, $100 if you buy now. "Hallman prices are low. compare'!" big locationt, 218 $1,495. Frank Jones, hi west Main BUICK. 1941 special aedanette.

Radio. 29 and 2) S. Union. healer. A real buy.

Astman'g, 740 Lake Fast Ave ana niaw't tot lix sy (owi CHEVROLFT. '49 deluie 2-door. Seldom will you find car in the condition thit DOIXiE. '41 ttdtn. Thit ii the right and fordor.

Both ears fully equipped for sonveone who want an etctpunnally i 'Tn-t art thviluttl. ovimKulart. deaa one-ownet car. Initrair at beautiful. FORI).

tusiom 4-door, good buv for sji 44 kewlrr Moimi, 47 Ridit Rd. and rnecbtnictlly wdl lamfy the fuieat! ouick sale: eitellrnt cmdmon Oil rtt hsryer. frMk 'Ite. rvr.rv.E 11 iaafvr ardaa. Hat shiny FORDS.

'10. '4s. prices Kirt $63 Th. r.r Vptctll $68. JOM.

43 Miin Ave. aa. a inn itso i 1 in kaav on. i. One of those cars thit kit NASH.

'4 Ambaaaaooe krowghain. knt ium aadttcoMiat. radaa. CHEVROLET. 1947 panel delivery.

Stop in and see this dark blue beauty today. Put it to work for only $695. Maplewood u-wm. I akt. so well kept it doesn't look used Buy for the future! $1,265.

Jones, 483 W. Main. urai ll.3. vaoea. ta imm i II am ata BUICK, 1942 sedan.

$295. A. I. Pitts, Oo-lano, N. V.

Open evenings. BUICK. 1947 super convertible, gave $350. Rudman. 51 State Nicl imun, raoio n.n m.

rMea ar tea n.wai actual snnt aaet a tu ana owl. II awr you, chine, to I Dodge aotonv-rnte Iradro and United Motor Sales. 15 lrtM, bttotiful. I laiermr flmi Ir mZ- WanmTM. ung-DUKK, in Cf I.

'ao tikw 4aa nl. rt IBt Ittiory. gl will ooy y-a. CHEVROLET, '47 convertible, food Ion. DODGE.

141 cuttoni four-door Mt aedan. 11 24 Vho 48 Gents food at nt. Attn 194 tr 4 1 NASH 144. "atw' awtan iwa-rn. i.

mm di. fatly tipptd and witknm a douM. Urn. htae ftk. rakktr.

A my utm gm tuwrt. tsw-4 wwk rad BUICK. 1949 4-door Kdan. Radio, heater and Dynaflow. Like new.

Has sparkling-black finish. Interior take new. Srtcial price $1,745 at Doyle' Big Lot, 560 E. Main. nr Mack finuh.

radio UK. new, lauiv, iivaiaa, age. $998; 1947 Style miner tndor, new paint, good rarrner at $895; 1949 club coupe, custom slipcovers, air condiiioner, real value at $1,295. John Dottchel-Srode-baker. 706 Dewey.

Open evta. ntw motor, radio, beater icnoic ot 41. $995. Below ceumg at Seneca Motors, 400 Lake. Ikrvatandt a-ntn, im tltiB mechanKalty town at aayinMy Balpk Tom, sat aaa mm a- UM tirei.

Cfcnetae 2A8I-W. la on I he road Sodtv. Ikts aiMua in Packard tiaaaa Aik A ont-owatr cat that wilt feratah 1 rj miim ml iraiMo foe CHEVROLET, 1949 delus I-door. 1840, pricrti Mly $327, Flacker a. IT! FORD.

IMS tie- sink coupe Bttrl.lbtoad Kat-atm km st. fcoamiry htbete A-blo. dab i Ta- 1. it Xnmi TJn. BUICK.

'4 nrotr cmvtmibte. Radio, a ryrno. cSSi CHEVROLET. 140 tndor. Good eondrtK-; luaa radan htaitr arxal tirt.

tw .1 na tar fal. 81. .1 heater, etc. Top tvaro Jouth Union a V. 1 anklar Arthtr v' aotratr i iraomg and 'Today.

Mturtr Inc 4J) rortltnc At '44 cuttota tadan. alia. PlYMoCIH 142 aaasial Ariata taaVsr, BrMar, rt mat paMl ran watk ilr $44 MteMwoaat Motort. 1 rmaaa '4 2 -door ot -doot. radio.

neattt. E. Main. CHEVROLET. iNASH, I.

Md-w and foedutt. Vert clean to. trior Very fiat g-rantee An htr Co )3o M.eirmi low al $743. Frank fit. 194 wptr CTtaa interw-f.

ISO M'irft i frnn atwral Wit are frtde-mt I a ma. lire. U-day. t8' HI'DVlral l42 ttdta. arrrt ll mod d.n Fbonv Wick CHEVROIET.

1941 tudnr, extra met, gort SJ.V3. Below cetliog at ari.xvg car. Priced BnSfc "'i, eladmt t'. S. Roval Mtater Premium tiret likeGLniworMOajes.

riiTvUH FT. Several '44. aU ntodtit. 4-An r. (Meed It.

I p. -as lilt mm NWl trtttHI. pKktd Nw th. and Irw IMii whKk rwtp- frMi (((j lmw1mrtmm smk. PLYMM IM 1MB awMMMUt 4..

a 1 nawf noon lioul coaaHaoa fof the war model. II Vaitt ft "Ba Real hn at t3 anMarflMsd al (Imun. gala ic. 113; aiao Mr al pnod.Mraof Co. 11 M-mroe You nnat tee and drive out etceoiKaiii cHF.vroifi, srvituna otiaia t- any e.uai roa, ar kMakiag fut esowoawttl irtnacant.a i pimlll I ti (a Di'l lk ll Lta DcoU'l.

400 E. $3 vilue at only $1.35. anor tedan. An txctptionaJly clean (rom gi.Mt. Liberal trade aad atrnas.

pre-" rng J5. 1 F'RD. 1941 rm tM whuraail 'mm IM, tome M. kk. I ItASat, lll WIUOW mmmm fae katsee ikm ike iwi aad wt aokl tkrr gimniatort vra delta iy Mam St.

t'Mt' 1 i MoSnrs. 411 a. i. ri'anr wilk lick kiue eaetaliic finiik. sm at Satben't." 415 Somb At, tirts.

anderttae heater and gcat covert. Very e. f'' IcHfVroLFT. 199 and i tart ere o4a faitort ainmii (jbw am in rwirw.s ia i aa. ii aa etcallem a.

-a, ri 1944 Ta4.r. PTOBaf lo ora BUICK. 19'0 4xloor tedan. b.aJ- ccm. Radm, finuh.

Ilmni-cd wilh radio, heater, Dvna- Monro an. ertra. Very tow team 260 Sooth Ate. trrrowr. t.

Sen lhai am kefr I nMoatM. Mai ativtr kar aramd for kM aak-land Nam namtrland at atrtaa w-w i I4n a) Im. Salet. C. FLda 157 Cosan a Mm-an.

44 Fetwia dtwrtd tad iowtw Sao. All- flow and other extras. YoaTl gate over I A pwkler! $200 kelow ceihag. Don't wan namn mar. ambit at etetana iNASH a-T- mrH com.

mm -tr 44 O-M A M.iet SSOQ deaJreif with Doyle oa thai practically CHFVROLFTS. C3svrolets. Cbt roieu: for Snrtngtlmt prior rat. Harrii "Sa la mm mm gaiami aam. ntait Pt af im lata waia wm new car.

00 E. Mam St. 1949. 1980s, boot tekecrnm ona-o Stebert't." 415 Somk At. sjpeej miag.

am mr lam Miertaoa of aver IB mad FORD. 130 Mom fordor b4m HI DVaNS. Itws-m a knat, mti mmfm a i i -in nn warmed haa atw, an. ma amn i m.airn.4 M- "i imr4 lat. ntw fx awe wt can: mn tat i red kargam.

Mt Pwry. Lace Bra radan atarer Il i aael guar BLTCK. nk Dtastt. IM Dodat FT cttan. low Broadway.

Rrtmar A M--r Co ktr tn-atv raarawta Arckm atw att-ta adtit and mr- the Nam. tmm at Coarliww. "an nn 4 ed m4m a Vi an ttaai awaa A rme wat met et 18 ao $: Iwn a f3 M.imia. 1M Romi-mser fordor mdan. I gL 7fJT VlJSSl CHFVRfH FT.

19. low nmew clc, asileata. eei-. cat. No ur t-t' 2w" nsany 36-0 wettest-.

Sanardava. 1 ZL mhert Can he tctd from new. Barri 4880. Room 91. 41 tl4CyrtHt-.

fte, Aa low lot to- eaatpwd St Sm-iu vl' Zl Opea anrt deilers. LOtraat Ucmt NitruSawai I rVmaa LOcust Rocbtsitr CHFVROI FT: 144 Aero aedas. noder- ta.f models, fuflv CHFVROI FT: 144 Atro aedas. ander- ta.f modtls. futt.

CXltK.t. 197 2-Ooor. raam. kealty. f)md FOf).

ardta. NASrt. Vm 4r laM aaa TM iw mmt t-tiWat ma. I drrm. dark a ra tmmi aim Dsmm rasm.

am ewatma tadot. HI WIN. I Vmtt I O-i All kttor (mrnl and tmm 8- Mv atw ty ana- open 1 M.Froi Doom flimoh t-e-ai, Kan wo. eatia. "k-ve is a arw Howm "rmam Dtatt.

ltm Krw. M. coaseo. rwo- im Btart. ri.n titrt s.

at? vn an Ae Ae BUICK. i '7. V- Mt. 260 Keeler St. i rr or aa a rHFVPOCFT.

1S4S mnur Achme radm. rvr tit. 4n.n. Cm, artta. ke BAM.

I west Ma-a Mort. mi act, nut aii a fan Sa 1' rt ream n-m. etouon raBdrrKm. scotlem rmrm wn iHnamti, i-tt rwnmiww run irvf-ifi't: real one; aafl.l gteg. i-r, -r mt eucrajottai cooorra i apsriit ran.

wi" i i- rv.a sk HVIVs. ibb ammnanti 'a- a ar ia. h. BvrtseL 201 1. apt cu a Scan ISM a mam-fat aar tmM.

kaaut awe a. a ant asmmiltiai rar law mrutpt an Bitenor matck. Aa escenem kmr for like arw today- rait $1 08. Kocrntr "Tradrnt ared oMet ct win 1 90 Mt. Hope BAker $nnn for yme o'd r-V tV-W CHESROLFT deMm i-4mr.

I. w-rt ka ktra km. ARt 4) I- wry (lean hk. atw Ba-l Pt-. lag 8m i.

-s ateral m-mm mw car). .34 Br-msvey tmmrn m. IlfV Motor. fx. 4m gTw, c-.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.